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Autore Topic: English Version of Ozio Galery  (Letto 2191 volte)


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English Version of Ozio Galery
« il: 22 Lug 2008, 16:32:04 »

Is there also an english or german forum for the great ozio galery??

Why don't you put it on to


Offline alexred

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Re: English Version of Ozio Galery
« Risposta #1 il: 22 Lug 2008, 16:41:16 »
Ciao dirk80,
no english or german forum for the great ozio galery, you can try to post in english and we can try to reply in bad english...  ;)

put it on to  is a good idea!

...per la serie noi italiani sono anni che ci sbattiamo a leggere e scrivere in inglese sui forum dei componenti sviluppati all'estero, spero sia ora che anche voi stranieri se volete imparare un componente impariate un poco anche la nostra lingua.... è una ruota che gira..
« Ultima modifica: 22 Lug 2008, 16:43:58 da alexred »


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Re: English Version of Ozio Galery
« Risposta #2 il: 22 Lug 2008, 17:40:28 »

I always guess which button to press but it work somehow ;)

Is there any support for Joomfish planned??


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Re: English Version of Ozio Galery
« Risposta #3 il: 22 Lug 2008, 17:55:51 »
I always guess which button to press but it work somehow ;)

support for Joomfish... no. If you use the Ozio Gallery module inside the joomla article you can use Joomfish


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Re: English Version of Ozio Galery
« Risposta #4 il: 22 Lug 2008, 19:34:56 »
I always guess which button to press but it work somehow ;)
I don't understand the forums buttons like "Invia messaggio" or so.

For Joomfish I will generate an english and a german galery.
« Ultima modifica: 22 Lug 2008, 19:44:37 da alexred »


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