I am using the contentmap plugin 1.0.3 (with the recent patch) and I get many error like this:
Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/var/www/h2osailingteam/images/resized/images/stories/flotta/ba403v_sito_100_67.jpg' for writing: No such file or directory in /var/www/h2osailingteam/plugins/content/contentmap.php on line 659
The error is due to a bug (I think) in the /plugins/content/contentmap.php about the name of the resized images cache folders (image/resized/image/...)
If an user creates a folder in the image/stories with a name containing upper case letters (i.e: image/stories/MyImages), the plugin get confused:
- When creating the new folder in the cache it uses the right name (i.e.: image/resized/image/stories/MyImages)
- But when it saves a .jpg file in the cache it uses a wrong lower case folder name (i.e.: image/resized/image/stories/myimages/mypicture.jpg) and on Linux servers this of course fails
The by-pass solution is obvious: renaming all the image/stories folders using only lower case letters ... but this will break hundreds of content link ...
I hope this will be fixed in the next version.
Thank you