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Autore Topic: Problema con Slimbox  (Letto 2123 volte)

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Problema con Slimbox
« il: 21 Giu 2010, 09:55:28 »
Ciao a tutti ho scaricato il plugin Slimbox ( è una galleria fotografica ). All'interno del plugin c'è una breve guida. Seguendo passo a passo questa guida non riesco a far si che funzioni. Qualcuno ha utilizzato questa galleria ??? sa dirmi come si utlizza ??? dove devo caricare le foto da visualizzare ??? che comando devo dare all'interno dellarticolo per far partire la galleria ???

P.S.  qui vi allego la guida contenuta nel plugin:    grazie a tutti in anticipo

 Slimbox is a visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the ultra compact mootools framework. It was designed to be small, efficient, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox v2. For more information, see

How to use

{slimbox images/img_1.jpg,images/timg_1.jpg,Things I like; images/img_2.jpg, images/timg_2.jpg, Why does this happen to me?; images/img_3.jpg,images/timg_3.jpg, when will it end?; images/img_4.jpg,images/timg_4.jpg}

- To use the plugin, simply type the above into your Joomla! article.

- You can have multiple {slimbox x,x,x } galleries.

- Or, you can show only a single image with slimbox.

- Each image string can have three parts separated by the comma: "," -- the regular sized image, the thumbnail and the caption.

- You must specify the first two values; if you do not have a thumbnail to display, simply repeat the name of the regular sized image.

- Images must be specified from the baseURL, absent the first slash, and should not have quotes (Correct: images/amy.jpg -- Incorrect: "/images/amy.jpg")

- Captions should follow the second image and a comma and should not have quotes or commas or semicolons.

- If you do not want captions for a specific image, or if you do not want captions for any of your images, you can simply omit the third part of the image string.

- Image strings must be separated by the semicolon: ";"

- On the webpage, itself, you can display all of the thumbnails or only the first. If you only want one thumbnail to show, add the word "single" in lowercase, following the "{slimbox" literal.

Please let me know of any problems you might have. Have fun with Joomla!.


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