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Joomla Component eportfolio Upload Vulnerability
« il: 21 Giu 2010, 14:53:37 »
Estensione commerciale
Controllare il sito di riferimento per aggiornamenti

Codice: [Seleziona]
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Name : Joomla com_eportfolio Upload  Vulnerability
Date : june, 20 2010
Critical Level : HIGH
Vendor Url :
Google Dork:inurl:com_eportfolio
Author : Sid3^effects aKa HaRi <shell_c99[at]>
special thanks to : r0073r (,L0rd CruSad3r,MaYur,MA1201,KeDar,gunslinger_
greetz to :All ICW members and my friends :) luv y0 guyz
Advanced access control will let a user decide who will be able to read and comment his joomla portfolio. There are many configuration features like the ability to upload files to portfolio, calendar and events by users and others.

Who can use E-portfolio?

* professionals wanting to have their own advanced blog with features such as forum and calendar
* people looking for job to list their CV's
* students and graduates having their portfolio ONLINE to be visible for teachers, parents, CEOs, etc.
* anyone who wants the worls to know who they are, what they do and have already done!

Xploit:Upload  Vulnerability

STEP 1: Always register as a user :P

STEP 2: Select any of the options Achievements •  Plans •  Events •  Pages.

DEMO URL :http://server/index.php?option=com_eportfolio&Itemid=1&task=viewlinks&user=71

STEP 3: Now the attackers can upload their shells in the above options :)

DEMO URL : http://server/index.php?option=com_eportfolio&Itemid=18&task=personal&user=71

STEP 4: Now you can check your shell n root the server :P
# 0day no more
# Sid3^effects
« Ultima modifica: 21 Giu 2010, 15:35:47 da Vamba »


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