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Autore Topic: Joomla Component JE Section Finder LFI Vulnerability  (Letto 1450 volte)


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Codice: [Seleziona]
Name : Joomla jesectionfinder LFI Vulnerability
Date : june, 26 2010
Critical Level     : HIGH
Vendor Url :
Google Dork: inurl:/component/jesectionfinder/
Author : Sid3^effects aKa HaRi <shell_c99[at]>
special thanks to : r0073r (,L0rd CruSad3r,MaYur,MA1201,KeDar,Sonic,gunslinger_
greetz to ,All ICW members and my friends :) luv y0 guyz
This component for web-based business that specialises in buying and selling sections nationwide. Our aim is easy to connect the seller of

land directly to the buyer, its simple.

Easy to handle that component functionallity.

User can add your section/property into particular listing option. Listing option manages from the backend. User selects his plan (Listing

option) and enters property detail (with images).  After use see that preview and make it payment.  If user makes it payment successfully

than it display automating otherwise his listing not published.
User searches property and contact seller for more detail.

Xploit:jesectionfinder LFI

DEMO URL : http://server/propertyfinder/component/jesectionfinder/?view=[LFI]



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