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Autore Topic: Joomla Component CBE - com_cbe LFI/RCE vulnerability  (Letto 1619 volte)

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Joomla Component CBE - com_cbe LFI/RCE vulnerability

Il componente CBE soffre di una vulnerabilità di tipo Local File Inclusion, come spiegato sotto.
Disponibile sul sito del produttore una versione aggiornata che corregge il bug riportato.
Aggiornare velocemente all'ultima versione.

Codice: [Seleziona]
Joomla CBE suffers from a local file inclusion vulnerability. As CBE
also offers file uploading functionality that allows to upload files
that contain php-code, this can be used to execute arbitary
system-commands on the host with the webservers privileges.
Affected versions:
- CBE v1.4.10
- CBE v1.4.9
- CBE v1.4.8
(maybe older versions)
Not affaceted:
- CBE v1.4.11 (current)
Vulnerable code:
in cbe.php a file identified by the param "tabname" is included if the
"ajaxdirekt" param is set, without sanatizing the value of "tabname" first:
$ajaxdirekt    = JRequest::getVar('ajaxdirekt', null);
     $tabname = JRequest::getVar('tabname', null);
     if ($ajaxdirekt) {
         $tabfile =
         if (file_exists($tabfile)) {
Exploitation / poc:
will execute the CREDITS.php
Addional attack-vectors:
CBE offers a file-upload function for uploading user profile images. The
uploaded file is not checked for beeing well-formed, it only needs to
have the right mime-type and maybe (depends on profile-picture
configuration) the right size, so we can embed php-code in the
profile-picture. Lets say we have registered an account on the site with
the user-id 23, then we can execute the backdoor by requesting:
As we stay in the documents-root, we dont even have to worry about
safe-mode directory restrictions, and using GIFs will bypass most of
CBE's image pre-processing functions during file upload (except file-
and image-size checks).
a) check if the contents of an uploaded file contains a php open-tag
('<?php') (requires that the php-short-open-tag option is disabled)
b) Joomla offers several functions for accessing POST and GET params, i
guess using getWord() instead of getVar() would be a better choice in
this case.
04.10.2010 - vendor informed
07.10.2010 - vendor released fixed version
08.10.2010 - public disclosure


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