E' stato rilasciato Joomlaboard 1.1.4
lo potete scaricare da qua:
+ = added, - = removed, f = fixed, r = refactored
artfXXXX refers to bug artifact on the bugtracker
http://forge.joomla.org/sf/tracker/do/listTrackers/projects.joomlaboard/tracker f: progster - fixed errors in avatar_upload.php that prevented user from selecting an avatar
c: progster - fixed foreach warnings in listcat.php
r: riba - removed hardcoded stuff from the main menu and styled it through CSS
-: progster - removed unused 'debug' function from joomlaboard.php and admin.joomlaboard.php
c: progster - optimised a query in view.php (greatly reduces the size of the join)
+: progster - search now supports searching on username,text and time
-: progster - removed unused language strings from english.php
c: progster - replaced path variables with constants
+: progster - added jbCategory class from 1.2
r: progster - refactored search
c: progster - removed legacy options from joomlaboard.php
-: progster - removed 'header' option from backend, adding something to the header can be done in template
f: riba - added uddeIM integration
f: riba - fixed ugly "|" and additional spaces between buttons when graphical buttons are used
c: riba - added pdf button ($sbIcons['pdf'])
f: riba - increased the text length which is delivered in RSS feed
f: riba - fix to make DiscussBot work again
f: riba - problem fixed when CB is used
c: progster - included header and footer from 1.2, their layout is controlled by a patTemplate file
f: progster - fixed duplicate entry in joomlaboard.xml
f: progster - fix in post.php, action url for the post form is now correct
f: progster - fix backend userprofile administration
f: progster - fix in userprofile.php (posted on forums)
r: progster - refactored moderate_messages
f: progster - fixed artf6317:Joomlaboard not updated to Community Builder in view.php on line 680