ho installato questo modulo sul mio sito, vorrei però eliminare il campo nome. Ho aperto il file .php ma quando vado ad eliminare il campo nome, il modulo non mi fuziona più
Posto qui il codice, qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi?
Grazie mille.
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
$myNameLabel = $params->get('name_label', 'Name:');
$myEmailLabel = $params->get('email_label', 'Email:');
$recipient = $params->get('email_recipient', '');
$buttonText = $params->get('button_text', 'Subscribe to Newsletter');
$pageText = $params->get('page_text', 'Thank you for subscribing to our site.');
$errorText = $params->get('errot_text', 'Your subscription could not be submitted. Please try again.');
$subject = $params->get('subject', 'New subscription to your site!');
$fromName = $params->get('from_name', 'Newsletter Subscriber');
$fromEmail = $params->get('from_email', '');
$sendingWithSetEmail = $params->get('sending_from_set', true);
$noName = $params->get('no_name', 'Please write your name');
$noEmail = $params->get('no_email', 'Please write your email');
$invalidEmail = $params->get('invalid_email', 'Please write a valid email');
$nameWidth = $params->get('name_width', '20');
$emailWidth = $params->get('email_width', '20');
$buttonWidth = $params->get('button_width', '100');
$saveList = $params->get('save_list', true);
$savePath = $params->get('save_path', 'mailing_list.txt');
$mod_class_suffix = $params->get('moduleclass_sfx', '');
$thanksTextColor = $params->get('thank_text_color', '#FF0000');
$pre_text = $params->get('pre_text', '');
$disable_https = $params->get('disable_https', false);
$exact_url = $params->get('exact_url', true);
if (!$exact_url) {
$url = JURI::current();
else {
if (!$disable_https) {
$url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
else {
$url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$fixed_url = $params->get('fixed_url', true);
if ($fixed_url) {
$url = $params->get('fixed_url_address', "");
$unique_id = $params->get('unique_id', "");
$enable_anti_spam = $params->get('enable_anti_spam', true);
$myAntiSpamQuestion = $params->get('anti_spam_q', 'How many eyes has a typical person? (ex: 1)');
$myAntiSpamAnswer = $params->get('anti_spam_a', '2');
$myError = "";
$errors = 3;
if (isset($_POST["m_name".$unique_id])) {
$errors = 0;
if ($enable_anti_spam) {
if ($_POST["modns_anti_spam_answer".$unique_id] != $myAntiSpamAnswer) {
$myError = '<span style=" font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">' . JText::_('Wrong anti-spam answer') . '</span><br/>';
if ($_POST["m_name".$unique_id] === "") {
$myError = $myError . '<span style=" font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">' . $noName . '</span><br/>';
$errors = $errors + 1;
if ($_POST["m_email".$unique_id] === "") {
$myError = $myError . '<span style=" font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">' . $noEmail . '</span><br/>';
$errors = $errors + 2;
else if (!preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/", $_POST["m_email".$unique_id])) {
$myError = $myError . '<span style=" font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">' . $invalidEmail . '</span><br/>';
$errors = $errors + 2;
if ($myError == "") {
$myMessage = $myNameLabel . ' ' . $_POST["m_name".$unique_id] . ', ' .
$myEmailLabel . ' ' . $_POST["m_email".$unique_id] . ', ' .
$mailSender = &JFactory::getMailer();
if ($sendingWithSetEmail) {
else {
if (!$mailSender->Send()) {
$myReplacement = '<div class="modns"><span style="font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">' . $errorText . '</span></div>';
print $myReplacement;
else {
$myReplacement = '<div class="modns"><span style="color: '.$thanksTextColor.';">' . $pageText . '</span></div>';
print $myReplacement;
if ($saveList) {
$file = fopen($savePath, "a");
fwrite($file, $_POST["m_name".$unique_id]." (".$_POST["m_email".$unique_id]."); ");
return true;
if ($recipient === "") {
$myReplacement = '<div class="modns"><span style="font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">No recipient specified</span></div>';
print $myReplacement;
return true;
if ($recipient === "") {
$myReplacement = '<div class="modns"><span style="font-size:10px;color: #fff; ">Mail Recipient is specified as<br/>Please change it from the Module parameters.</span></div>';
print $myReplacement;
return true;
if ($myError != "") {
print $myError;
print '<div class="modns"><form action="' . $url . '" method="post">' . "\n" .
'<div class="modnsintro">'.$pre_text.'</div>' . "\n";
print '<table>';
if ($enable_anti_spam) {
print '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $myAntiSpamQuestion . '</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="modns_anti_spam_answer'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $nameWidth . '"/></td></tr>' . "\n";
print '<tr><td>' . $myNameLabel . '</td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="m_name'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $nameWidth . '"';
if (($errors & 1) != 1) {
print ' value="'.$_POST["m_name".$unique_id].'"';
print '/></td></tr>' . "\n";
print '<tr><td>' . $myEmailLabel . '</td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="m_email'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $emailWidth . '"';
if (($errors & 2) != 2) {
print ' value="'.$_POST["m_email".$unique_id].'"';
print '/></td></tr>' . "\n";
print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="modns button ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="submit" value="' . $buttonText . '" style="width: ' . $buttonWidth . '%"/></td></tr></table></form></div>' . "\n";
return true;