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Autore Topic: Joomla Component Xmap v. 1.2.11 SQL Injection Vulnerability  (Letto 2533 volte)

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Joomla Component Xmap version 1.2.11 SQL Injection Vulnerability

Codice: [Seleziona]
# Exploit Title: Xmap 1.2.11 Joomla Component Blind SQL Injection
# Date: 12 July 2011
# Author: jdc
# Software Link:
# Version: 1.2.11
# Fixed In: 1.2.12
Versions prior to 1.2.12 suffer from a blind sql injection in the "view"
parameter, depending on Xmap's internal cache settings.
POSTDATA: option=com_xmap&tmpl=component&Itemid=999&view=[SQL]
1.2.12 has been patched. Older versions with cache=off cannot be
exploited in this fashion.

Lo sviluppatore ha rilasciato il 14 luglio una nuova versione del componente che corregge la vulnerabilità, si consiglia pertanto di procedere immediatamente con l'aggiornamento alla versione 1.2.12.


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