hey there I have a problem with ozio gallery3 inside a ja popup.
for ja popup I have to use this div tag <div style="display: none;"> that the gallery is not displayed in the article but later on in the popup.
with text and other pictures it works fine, but when I insert ozio gallery 3 into the popup div it only shows 1px of the gallery on the top and everything else is hidden. when I delete this <div style="display: none;"> oziogallery3 is displayed in the article and in the popup. but this is not what I want. I only want the gallery in the popup.
Can anyone Carneade with this please!
here is the full html of the article:
<div>{japopup type="inline" content="inline1" width="600" height="400" }<img class="ja-typo-img-wrap right" src="images/zimmer/juniorsuite/junior_suite_1.jpg" border="0" alt="beschreibungstext" title="beschreibungstext" width="300" height="225" />{/japopup}</div>
<div style="display: none;">
<div id="inline1" style="width: 600px; height: 400px; overflow: auto;">{oziogallery 350}</div>