Salve, non riesco a tradurre in francese le categorie del componente PHOCAGALLERY.
Joomla V1.5.14
Phocagallery V2.0.4
Ho eseguito questi passaggi:
1 - Ho copiato "phocagallery.xml" e "phocagallery_categories.xml" in /administrator/components/com_joomfish/contentelements/.
2 - Dal menù "Joomfish-->Manage translation --> Copy original to language" metto il flag su "phoca gallery categories", seleziono la lingua "french" e clicco su "copia". A questo punto joomfish si impalla e non riesce a copiare... di conseguenza interrompo l'operazione.
3 - Vado su "translation" e quando nel menù a tendina del content elements seleziono "phoca gallery categories" mi becco questo errore:
DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'c.metakey' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT, c.title, c.alias, c.filename, c.description, c.geotitle, c.metakey, c.metadesc, as jfc_id, jfc.value as titleTranslation, jfc.modified as lastchanged, jfc.published as published, jfc.language_id, as language, jfc.reference_id as jfc_refid FROM jos_phocagallery as c LEFT JOIN jos_jf_content as jfc ON AND jfc.reference_field='title' AND jfc.reference_table='phocagallery' AND jfc.language_id=2 LEFT JOIN jos_languages as jfl ON ORDER BY c.title
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