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Problema con componente Joomla Zoo
« il: 20 Giu 2013, 12:19:20 »
Ciao a tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno sa risolvermi questo piccolo problema che ho con il componente di Yootheme "Zoo"
Ho creato sul componente una nuova applicazione dove ho definito Textare, Immagini . . .
Tuttavia questo componente mi permette di inserire solo immagini hostate sul mio server perchè aggiunge di base la "path" del mio dominio, qualcuno ha idea di come io possa caricare immagini non hostate sul mio server?
Penso che ciò che gestisca questa funzione sia il file /media/zoo/elements/image/image.php

Codice: [Seleziona]
* @package   com_zoo
* @author    YOOtheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) YOOtheme GmbH
* @license GNU/GPL

   Class: ElementImage
      The image element class
class ElementImage extends Element implements iSubmittable {

      Function: hasValue
         Checks if the element's value is set.

         $params - render parameter

         Boolean - true, on success
public function hasValue($params = array()) {
$file $this->get('file');
      return !empty(
$file) && JFile::exists($this->get('file'));

      Function: getSearchData
         Get elements search data.

         String - Search data
public function getSearchData() {

      Function: render
         Renders the element.

            $params - render parameter

         String - html
public function render($params = array()) {

// init vars
$params $this->app->data->create($params);
$title  $this->get('title');
$file     $this->app->zoo->resizeImage(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$this->get('file'), $params->get('width'0), $params->get('height'0));
$link   JURI::root() . $this->app->path->relative($file);

$url $target $rel '';
      if (
$params->get('link_to_item'false)) {

            if (
$this->getItem()->getState()) {

$url   $this->app->route->item($this->_item);
$title = empty($title) ? $this->_item->name $title;


      } else if (
$this->get('link')) {

$url    $this->get('link');
$target   $this->get('target');
$rel     $this->get('rel');


// get alt
$alt = empty($title) ? $this->_item->name $title;

// render layout
if ($file && $layout $this->getLayout()) {


      Function: edit
          Renders the edit form field.

          String - html
public function edit() {


        if (
$layout $this->getLayout('edit.php')) {


      Function: renderSubmission
         Renders the element in submission.

            $params - AppData submission parameters

         String - html
public function renderSubmission($params = array()) {

// load js

// init vars
$image        $this->get('file');

// is uploaded file
$image        is_array($image) ? '' $image;

// get params
$trusted_mode $params->get('trusted_mode');

// build image select
$lists = array();
        if (
$trusted_mode) {
$options = array($this->app->html->_('select.option''''- '.JText::_('Select Image').' -'));
            if (!empty(
$image) && !$this->_inUploadPath($image)) {
$options[] = $this->app->html->_('select.option'$image'- '.JText::_('No Change').' -');
$img_ext str_replace(',''|'trim(JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media')->get('image_extensions'), ','));
         foreach (
$this->app->path->files('root:'.$this->_getUploadImagePath(), false'/\.('.$img_ext.')$/i') as $file) {
$options[] = $this->app->html->_('select.option'$this->_getUploadImagePath().'/'.$file$file);
$lists['image_select'] = $this->app->html->_('select.genericlist'$options$this->getControlName('image'), 'class="image"''value''text'$image);
        } else {
            if (!empty(
$image)) {
$image $this->app->zoo->resizeImage($this->app->path->path('root:' $image), 00);
$image $this->app->path->relative($image);

        if (!empty(
$image)) {
$image $this->app->path->url('root:' $image);

        if (
$layout $this->getLayout('submission.php')) {


      Function: validateSubmission
         Validates the submitted element

            $value  - AppData value
            $params - AppData submission parameters

         Array - cleaned value
public function validateSubmission($value$params) {

// init vars
$trusted_mode $params->get('trusted_mode');

// get old file value
$old_file $this->get('file');

$file '';
// get file from select list
if ($trusted_mode && $file $value->get('image')) {

            if (!
$this->_inUploadPath($file) && $file != $old_file) {
                throw new 
AppValidatorException(sprintf('This file is not located in the upload directory.'));

            if (!
JFile::exists($file)) {
                throw new 
AppValidatorException(sprintf('This file does not exist.'));

// get file from upload
} else {

            try {

// get the uploaded file information
$userfile $value->get('userfile'null);

$max_upload_size $this->config->get('max_upload_size''512') * 1024;
$max_upload_size = empty($max_upload_size) ? null $max_upload_size;
$file $this->app->validator
->create('file', array('mime_type_group' => 'image''max_size' => $max_upload_size))
addMessage('mime_type_group''Uploaded file is not an image.')

            } catch (
AppValidatorException $e) {
                if (
$e->getCode() != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {

                if (!
$trusted_mode && $old_file && $value->get('image')) {
$file $old_file;



        if (
$params->get('required') && empty($file)) {
            throw new 
AppValidatorException('Please select an image to upload.');

$result compact('file');

      if (
$trusted_mode) {
$result['title'] = $this->app->validator->create('string', array('required' => false))->clean($value->get('title'));
$result['link'] = $this->app->validator->create('url', array('required' => false), array('required' => 'Please enter an URL.'))->clean($value->get('link'));
$result['target'] = $this->app->validator->create('', array('required' => false))->clean($value->get('target'));
$result['rel'] = $this->app->validator->create('string', array('required' => false))->clean($value->get('rel'));

// connect to submission beforesave event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->connect('submission:beforesave', array($this'submissionBeforeSave'));


    protected function 
_inUploadPath($image) {
$this->_getUploadImagePath() == dirname($image);

    protected function 
_getUploadImagePath() {
trim(trim($this->config->get('upload_directory''')), '\/');

      Function: submissionBeforeSave
         Callback before item submission is saved

public function submissionBeforeSave() {

// get the uploaded file information
if (($userfile $this->get('file')) && is_array($userfile)) {
// get file name
$ext $this->app->filesystem->getExtension($userfile['name']);
$base_path JPATH_ROOT '/' $this->_getUploadImagePath() . '/';
$file $base_path $userfile['name'];
$filename basename($file'.'.$ext);

$i 1;
            while (
JFile::exists($file)) {
$file $base_path $filename '-' $i++ . '.' $ext;

            if (!
JFile::upload($userfile['tmp_name'], $file)) {
                throw new 
AppException('Unable to upload file.');



      Function: bindData
         Set data through data array.

         $data - array

public function bindData($data = array()) {

// add image width/height
$file $this->get('file');
      if (
$file && $filepath $this->app->path->path($file)) {
$size getimagesize($filepath);
$this->set('width', ($size $size[0] : 0));
$this->set('height', ($size $size[1] : 0));



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