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Autore Topic: aggiornamento vm 2.6.14 e file mancante \libraries\joomla\html\parameter.php  (Letto 1488 volte)

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Ho Joomla 2.5.28 e vm 2.6.12
oggi ho aggiornato VirtueMart componente 2.6.14  ke si installa con successo ma dopo l'aggiornamento mi aggiunge cose strane del tipo: accanto nome prodotto viene visualizzato "COM_VIRTUEMART_DESC"  (vedi allegato)...

Poi aggiornando il secondo componente VirtueMart AIO mi da:
Installing VirtueMart Plugins and Modules
The AIO component (com_virtuemart_aio) is used to install or update all the plugins and modules essential to VirtueMart in one go.
Do not uninstall it.

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\data\localweb\sito_locale\libraries\joomla\html\parameter.php on line 512
Installing Plugins   
VM Payment - Standard   updated
VM Payment - Klarna   updated
VM Payment - KlarnaCheckout   updated
VM Payment - Sofort Banking/Überweisung   updated
VM Payment - PayPal   updated
VM Payment - Heidelpay   updated
VM Payment - Paybox   updated
VM Payment - Realex HPP & API   updated
VM Userfield - Realex HPP & API   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Credit Cards   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Lastschrift   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers iDeal   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Giropay   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Sofortueberweisung   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Przelewy24   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Online Bank Transfer   updated
VM Payment - Moneybookers Skrill Digital Wallet   updated
VM Payment -   updated
VM Payment - Sofort iDeal   updated
VM Payment - KlikAndPay   installed
VM Shipment - By weight, ZIP and countries   updated
VM Custom - Customer text input   updated
VM Custom - Product specification   updated
VM Custom - Stockable variants   updated
VM Calculation - Avalara Tax   updated
VirtueMart Product   updated
Installing Modules   
VM - Administrator Module   updated
VM - Currencies Selector   updated
VM - Featured products   updated
VM - Best Sales   updated
VM - Search in Shop   updated
VM - Manufacturer   updated
VM - Shopping cart   updated
VM - Category   updated
pdf moved to the joomla libraries folder   
Installation Successful.

ma nella cartella  libraries\joomla\html  non c'è il file parameter.php... :o
(l'ho provato sia in locale..che on-line)
Il sito funziona tutto regolarmente...

[allegato eliminato automaticamente dopo un anno]
« Ultima modifica: 26 Dic 2014, 18:14:42 da Proxima »
Joomla! 3.9.8 -  VirtueMart 3.6.10 10211


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