Ciao a tutti
Ho fatto dei test in locale su un sito, poi quando l'ho trasferito sul mio hosting ricevo un errore, lo trovate sotto.
Da cosa potrebbe dipendere? dove sbaglio?
Error displaying the error page: Table 'my_mytest2015.xu42f_template_styles' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT id, home, template, s.params FROM xu42f_template_styles as s LEFT JOIN xu42f_extensions as e ON e.element=s.template AND e.type='template' AND e.client_id=s.client_id WHERE s.client_id = 0 AND e.enabled = 1: Table 'my_mytest2015.xu42f_usergroups' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT FROM xu42f_usergroups AS a LEFT JOIN xu42f_usergroups AS b ON b.lft <= a.lft AND b.rgt >= a.rgt WHERE = 9