Joomla!, o quello che ne rimane ha chiuso il Jug Pescara perche non si riusciva a far degli appuntamenti e perchè non c'era corrispondenza tra la cadenza annunciata degli appuntamenti e l'evento stesso, questo nonostante io abbia sempre assecondato i cambi continui al "listing" richiesti, come modalità che da mensile stavo per passare a biannuale, ed al fatto che avevo fatto presente che non riuscivo a trovare spazi pubblici gratuti, ed avessi ottenuto (almeno sembrava) che potessimo incontrarci in modo informale anche in un bar..
La mia risposta a tutto questo è la sequente:
to attention of : Jennifer Gress.
Dear Jennifer, I want to thank you for having closed the JUG PESCARA, despite all the attention to your requests and have always taken steps to implement them.
As mentioned Pescara is a small town of a poor region of central Italy, and there are no economic means to do meetings for free as you / Joomla want.
He had reached an agreement on holding meetings on a monthly basis also at bars among the participants at the jug, but it seems that it is an obligation participation in these events than the spirit that made me create the jug: to share with everyone and not necessarily in a hall, but also with forum, mail, etc
Evidently the communities joomla that I know and I attend is different from those who manage the bureaucratic name Joomla!.
The years dedicated to the dissemination and FREE cms support (since 2009), and even participate at my own expense for streaming in at least two events (Joomla Day Italy 2012 and that's what you think of me the organizer, and joomla day italia Napoli)
Therefore, with regret, I want you to know that i will abandon the community and I will not collaborate with everything/everyone that has/use/have relations with the NAME Joomla!
I'll say to everyone that I know and i'll meet, that instead of thinking about the development of the platform, ithe formaly Joomla! only take care about register trademarks and restrict the rights of the community, and this has made from people who assume these right fo no reasons.
Contemptuously, Lucio Milone
Per tanto, con dispiacere, rimanendo a disposizione (per quello che posso) per le singole persone che conosco, io mi allontano dalla comunità che deve sottostare a questa strana cosa che è diventata Joomla! (con il punto esclamativo).
Grazie di tutto amici