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Autore Topic: Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3  (Letto 17414 volte)

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #20 il: 01 Lug 2018, 23:15:51 »
Who is Alessandro?
Hi, you can find full name in INI file (at the bottom). For now I don't know how to answer this question, because first I don't want to share personal information without asking Alessandro, second I don't have any information to answer the question. It is just italian user who uses Phoca Cart. That is all I know. :idea:
I sent the link to this forum to him, so he can take a look at it.

Offline geppogiappo

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Re:Italian language for Phoca Cart
« Risposta #21 il: 03 Lug 2018, 17:38:59 »
Who is Alessandro?

Ciao marine,

Alessandro sono io. Sono un mero utilizzatore del bel modulo Phoca Cart. L'ho utilizzato su di un sito fatto per un mio amico (praticamente il primo, ne avevo fatto un'altro, sempre grazie a Joomla! anni fa, ma per questo mi sono impegnato di più ;-) )

Ho tradotto con non poca fatica le circa 4500 righe e ho pensato di condividerle con H13 di Phoca (e ovviamente con tutti) che mi ha supportato brillantemente in diverse circostanze!!

P.S. perdonatemi se non mi sono presentato, ma ho creato l'account solo ora per rispondere, dietro segnalazione di H13.


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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #22 il: 03 Lug 2018, 19:33:42 »
Allora grazie Alessandro per aver condiviso!

Offline marine

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Re:Italian language for Phoca Cart
« Risposta #23 il: 03 Lug 2018, 20:48:45 »
Ciao marine,

Alessandro sono io. Sono un mero utilizzatore del bel modulo Phoca Cart. L'ho utilizzato su di un sito fatto per un mio amico (praticamente il primo, ne avevo fatto un'altro, sempre grazie a Joomla! anni fa, ma per questo mi sono impegnato di più ;-) )

Ho tradotto con non poca fatica le circa 4500 righe e ho pensato di condividerle con H13 di Phoca (e ovviamente con tutti) che mi ha supportato brillantemente in diverse circostanze!!

P.S. perdonatemi se non mi sono presentato, ma ho creato l'account solo ora per rispondere, dietro segnalazione di H13.

Ciao Alessandro, i miei più sinceri complimenti per il tuo impengo ed un ringraziamento per aver condiviso il tuo lavoro con la community.

Offline geppogiappo

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #24 il: 03 Lug 2018, 21:16:51 »
Grazie a voi Daniele e marine,
a presto  ;D


Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #25 il: 20 Ago 2018, 23:39:18 »

new version of Phoca Cart has been released (version 3.1.1 and then 3.1.2).


Tags have been extended to labels:

There is new function "Edit In Place" - for example, prices can be directly modified in product list in administration


and categories can be displayed with new way:

Displaying of reward points and tax recapitulation on invoice or POS receipt is possible:

Will be great if you can test this version and send some feedback.

Thank you, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #26 il: 10 Ott 2018, 10:38:35 »


È stata rilasciata una nuova versione di Phoca Cart (3.1.3):

E anche il nuovo template - Phoca Premiere è stato rilasciato:

Phoca Premiere è un Joomla! & Gantry 5 & Phoca Cart template.



Categories View:

Category View:

Product View:

Qualsiasi commento è benvenuto.

Grazie, Jan.

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #27 il: 06 Gen 2019, 16:39:54 »


Three new versions have been released recently (3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6)

See changelog:

I would be grateful for any feedback.

Thanks, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #28 il: 08 Apr 2019, 11:18:26 »
Hello, a new version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.1.8

The main innovation is the product and category language association, see:

Plus a new plugin with the amount required for free shipping, see:

Possibility of own numbering of invoices or possibility of inserting variables into the delivery or billing address on invoice/delivery note/receipt etc.

Thank you for any feedback.

Thanks, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #29 il: 26 Mag 2019, 16:50:15 »

new version of Phoca Cart - version 3.2.0 - released:


The most important news are:
- The ability to use WebP images or to automatically create WebP alternatives to existing images (JPG, PNG, GIF)
- The ability to view product images with Lazy Load technique
- Display price or "Add to cart" button for all selected access levels or selected customer groups
- Download files can be assigned to product attributes
- Two types of tags (tags and labels) - they can be used together or separately in the search
- Automatic setting of delivery and payment methods, if there is only one method and it corresponds to the rules
- Automatic skipping of the delivery and payment method if it does not conform to any rules or is not specified at all
- the ability to use colors and images for filter specifications
- POS documents can contain variables, ...

Most new features can be seen here:

I am pleased about the feedback, thank you.


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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #30 il: 05 Lug 2019, 17:28:00 »


there is a new Beta (version 3.3.0) now:

(Beta version should be not tested on production server, only on test server because of possible conflicts when upgrading)

The main news is the ability to switch between Bootstrap3 and Bootstrap4 HTML output or to switch between Bootstrap Glyphicons and Font Awesome 4 or Font Awesome 5 icons (if the template supports it).

In this article, there are instructions how to set up Phoca Cart and Astroid template (Boostrap 4):

The guide includes the links to overrides which can be copied to Astroid template and display Phoca Cart Cart module, Phoca Cart Wish List module, Phoca Cart Compare module and Phoca Cart Currency module in top module position.

It is still Beta version (development version) so will be great to get a feedback.

Thank you, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #31 il: 30 Lug 2019, 16:26:39 »


thanks to all who tested the beta.

The stable version 3.3.0 was released as a result

As described in the beta release, the most significant change is the ability to change HTML output (Bootstrap 3 or Boostrap 4, Glyphicons, Font Awesome 4 or Font Awesome 5, etc.).

A new module with the component has been released: Phoca Cart Mega Menu Content Module. You can display a list of categories or brands/manufacturers in Mega Menu (in templates that can be used to insert a module position or instance in Mega Menu).

In addition, Phoca Carousel module was published, which displays a slideshow. Each section can contain a background image, title and description (HTML), button and another image.

Demo can be seen here:

So, again, thanks to all who have tested.

Thanks, Jan

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.5.0 Beta
« Risposta #32 il: 11 Mar 2020, 00:07:28 »


new version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.5.0 Beta (this is development version and should only be tested on test servers):

The most important news are:
- Ajax filtering and searching
- Parameters and Parameter values
- Submit items feature
- Frontend ordering values can be defined in options
- Added ordering by most popular items, most viewed items
- Download expiration time can be set for each file
- Displaying of documents in frontend Orders View can be defined
- Images can be pasted into products using the clipboard
- Specific SQL queries can be disabled to improve speed and performance
- Category view can be disabled and it can be completely replaced by Items view
- etc.

Everything can be seen in action on this demo page:

You can download it here:

(Again - do not install on the production server - it is a development version)

As always, a lot has been changed in the component, it will be great if this can be tested properly.

Thank you, Jan

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #33 il: 29 Lug 2020, 12:51:45 »

a new version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.5.3:

Will be great to get a feedback and if anyone could test and report possible problems, because according to GitHub, 469 files have been changed there (mainly due to Joomla! 4)

The main news include cooperation with Phoca Email in the field of newsletter and a new module: Phoca Cart Sales Countdown Timer Module

Thank you very much, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #34 il: 21 Set 2020, 13:32:02 »

a new version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.5.4 Beta - it is a development version, it is intended for testing only.

The main news includes the possibility not to delete the payment or delivery method when changing the data in the checkout. Furthermore, the possibility of adding a price, image and SKU/EAN for advanced stock management. Related to this is the possibility to change interactively according to the combinations of product properties:

- image
- price
- stock status
- and the URL (combining product properties creates unique URL)

I will be happy for testing and feedback.

Thank you, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #35 il: 02 Nov 2020, 21:26:55 »

thank you to all who tested the Beta, now stable (3.5.4) has been released:
BTW there is new template ready for Phoca Cart:
Thank you, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #36 il: 12 Nov 2020, 13:58:27 »

there is new update of italian translation made by Luca.

Thank you.

You can download it here:


Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #37 il: 07 Dic 2020, 16:13:44 »

Hi, new development version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.5.5 Beta (as always, this is a beta version and is for testing purposes only).

The most important news include:

1) There is new parameter to display products from all subcategories in category view. This means, that not only products from current category will be displayed in category view but all products from all subcategories of this category. For example: laptop can be displayed in category Laptops but also in its parent category Computers.

2) There is new option to display layout plugins in category or items view. This means that output of these views can be completely changed by layout plugins.

Example - on following image, standard category view is displayed:


With help of layout plugins this output can be changed, see image:


3) Variables which are displayed in emails or descriptions can have more formats. Example: In previous version it was only possible to display first name as following variables:

{b_name_first} ... First name set in billing address is displayed.
{s_name_first} ... First name set in shipping address is displayed.

As of version 3.5, the following formats can be used:

{b_name_first} ... First name set in billing address is displayed.
{s_name_first} ... First name set in shipping address is displayed.
{bs_name_first} ... First name set in billing address is displayed. If it does not exist then first name set in shipping address will be displayed.
{sb_name_first} ... First name set in shipping address is displayed. If it does not exist then first name set in billing address will be displayed.

(b ... billing address, s ... shipping address)

Even shipping and payment country or region rules include such type of parameters (if empty then Shipping Address, if empty then Billing Address)

4) It is now possible to change (add, remove) columns in product list in administration. With help of 'Columns - Product List (Administration)' paramter you can select which columns will be displayed, but even which can be edited in place (valid for text or textarea fields) and the order of the columns can be set

See video (start at 4:10)

5) The display of a specific category or categories can be forced by a menu link parameter 'Force Category' in Items view.

There is a lot of news again, so it would be great if you can test this version properly and send me any feedback.

Thank you, Jan

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #38 il: 03 Feb 2021, 17:59:43 »
Hi, Phoca Cart version 3.5.5 is now stable.

Compared to beta versions, it has support for PHP 8. So if anyone is using PHP 8, I would be very grateful for feedback.

Thanks, Jan

Offline H13

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Re:Phoca Cart 3.0.0 RC3
« Risposta #39 il: 12 Mag 2021, 22:43:08 »
Hello to all,

new development version of Phoca Cart has been released - version 3.5.7 Beta (3.5.7Beta8).
This is a Beta version and is for testing purposes only.

There is a new feature - Bulk Price editor, which needs to be tested properly.

It will be great to get feedback regarding this new feature.

Big thanks to all the testers.

The Beta version can be downloaded here:

Thank you, Jan


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