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Next, you will find the options for the Stealth Mode in the Fine Tuning pane. The Stealth Mode allows you to display a static HTML page (optionally with images and SWF animation) to all visitors to the web site except yourself while you perform the restoration and only works with Apache or any other server supports mod_redirect functionality using .htaccess files (even some versions of IIS with third party add-ons do). This will prevent accidental disclosure of sensitive information while the restoration is in progress. This is performed by directing all traffic not coming from your IP address to the page you define in here. The first, obvious, setting is the Stealth mode check box. When you tick it, the stealth mode will be activated. The HTML file to show to web visitors option allows you to define the name of the static HTML page to show to your visitors. The file and its resources (images, CSS, Javascript files) must reside inside your to-be-restored site's root. You must only define the name of the file to use, not its URL. This means that offline.html is a valid setting, whereas is INVALID and will result in a 404 error thrown to your visitors.
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