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Autore Topic: Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento  (Letto 7828 volte)

Offline marphj

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Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento
« il: 28 Nov 2007, 19:30:18 »
Ho cancellato dalla lista tipi di pagamento, il modulo PayPal, come posso fare per ripristinarlo? >:(
Grazie a chi mi aiuta.. ::)

Offline g.m.

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Re: Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento
« Risposta #1 il: 28 Nov 2007, 20:41:33 »
questo e il dump della tabella
esegui una query nel db copiando e incollando da qui (occhio a prefissi jos_ e vm_ nn sono sempre uguali)

INSERT INTO `jos_vm_payment_method` (`payment_method_id`,`vendor_id`,`payment_method_name`,`payment_class`,`shopper_group_id`,`payment_method_discount`,`list_order`,`payment_method_code`,`enable_processor`,`is_creditcard`,`payment_enabled`,`accepted_creditcards`,`payment_extrainfo`,`payment_passkey`) VALUES
 (1,1,'Purchase Order','',6,'0.00',4,'PO','N',0,'Y','','',''),
 (2,1,'Cash On Delivery','',5,'-2.00',5,'COD','N',0,'Y','','',''),
 (3,1,'Credit Card','ps_authorize',5,'0.00',0,'AN','Y',0,'Y','1,2,6,7,','',''),
 (4,1,'PayPal','ps_paypal',5,'0.00',0,'PP','P',0,'Y','','\n<?php\n$url = \"\";\n$tax_total = $db->f(\"order_tax\") + $db->f(\"order_shipping_tax\");\n$discount_total = $db->f(\"coupon_discount\") + $db->f(\"order_discount\");\n$post_variables = Array(\n\"cmd\" => \"_xclick\",\n\"business\" => PAYPAL_EMAIL,\n\"receiver_email\" => PAYPAL_EMAIL,\n\"item_name\" => $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PO_NUMBER.\": \". $db->f(\"order_id\"),\n\"order_id\" => $db->f(\"order_id\"),\n\"invoice\" => $db->f(\"order_number\"),\n\"amount\" => round( $db->f(\"order_subtotal\")+$tax_total-$discount_total, 2),\n\"shipping\" => sprintf(\"%.2f\", $db->f(\"order_shipping\")),\n\"currency_code\" => $_SESSION[\'vendor_currency\'],\"first_name\" => $dbbt->f(\'first_name\'),\n\"last_name\" => $dbbt->f(\'last_name\'),\n\"address_street\" => $dbbt->f(\'address_1\'),\n\"address_zip\" => $dbbt->f(\'zip\'),\n\"address_city\" => $dbbt->f(\'city\'),\n\"address_state\" => $dbbt->f(\'state\'),\n\"address_country\" => $dbbt->f(\'country\'),\n\"image_url\" => $vendor_image_url,\n\"return\" => SECUREURL .\"index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=checkout.result&order_id=\".$db->f(\"order_id\"),\n\"notify_url\" => SECUREURL .\"administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php\",\n\"cancel_return\" => SECUREURL .\"index.php\",\n\"undefined_quantity\" => \"0\",\n\"test_ipn\" => PAYPAL_DEBUG,\n\"pal\" => \"NRUBJXESJTY24\",\n\"no_shipping\" => \"1\",\n\"no_note\" => \"1\"\n);\nif( $page == \"checkout.thankyou\" ) {\n$query_string = \"?\";\nforeach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {\n$query_string .= $name. \"=\" . urlencode($value) .\"&\";\n}\nmosRedirect( $url . $query_string );\n} else {\n\necho \'<form action=\"\'.$url.\'\" method=\"post\" target=\"_blank\">\';\necho \'<input type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Make payments with PayPal, it is fast, free, and secure!\" />\';\n\nforeach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {\necho \'<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"\'.$name.\'\" value=\"\'.$value.\'\" />\';\n}\n\necho \'</form>\';\n\n}\n?>',''),
 (5,1,'PayMate','ps_paymate',5,'0.00',0,'PM','P',0,'N','','<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">\n  function openExpress(){\n   var url = \'<?php echo PAYMATE_USERNAME.\n     \"&amt=\".$db->f(\"order_total\").\n     \"&currency=\".$_SESSION[\'vendor_currency\'].\n     \"&ref=\".$db->f(\"order_id\").\n     \"&pmt_sender_email=\".$user->email.\n     \"&pmt_contact_firstname=\".$user->first_name.\n     \"&pmt_contact_surname=\".$user->last_name.\n     \"&regindi_address1=\".$user->address_1.\n     \"&regindi_address2=\".$user->address_2.\n     \"&regindi_sub=\".$user->city.\n     \"&regindi_pcode=\".$user->zip;?>\'\n   var newWin =, \'wizard\', \'height=640,width=500,scrollbars=0,toolbar=no\');\n = \'parent\';\n   newWin.focus();\n  }\n  </script>\n  <div align=\"center\">\n  <p>\n  <a href=\"javascript:openExpress();\">\n  <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pay with Paymate Express\">\n 
click here to pay your account[/url]\n  </p>\n  </div>',''),
 (6,1,'WorldPay','ps_worldpay',5,'0.00',0,'WP','P',0,'N','','<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n                    <input type=hidden name=\"testMode\" value=\"100\"> \n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"instId\" value=\"<?php echo WORLDPAY_INST_ID ?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cartId\" value=\"<?php echo $db->f(\"order_id\") ?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"<?php echo $db->f(\"order_total\") ?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"<?php echo $_SESSION[\'vendor_currency\'] ?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"desc\" value=\"Products\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"<?php echo $user->email?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address\" value=\"<?php echo $user->address_1?>&#10<?php echo $user->address_2?>&#10<?php echo\n                    $user->city?>&#10<?php echo $user->state?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"<?php echo $user->title?><?php echo $user->first_name?>. <?php echo $user->middle_name?><?php echo $user->last_name?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"country\" value=\"<?php echo $user->country?>\"/>\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"postcode\" value=\"<?php echo $user->zip?>\" />\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tel\"  value=\"<?php echo $user->phone_1?>\">\n                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"withDelivery\"  value=\"true\">\n                   
\n                    <input type=\"submit\" value =\"PROCEED TO PAYMENT PAGE\" />\n                    </form>',''),
 (7,1,'2Checkout','ps_twocheckout',5,'0.00',0,'2CO','P',0,'N','','<?php\n   $q  = \"SELECT * FROM #__users WHERE user_info_id=\'\".$db->f(\"user_info_id\").\"\'\"; \n   $dbbt = new ps_DB;\n   $dbbt->setQuery($q);\n   $dbbt->query();\n   $dbbt->next_record(); \n   // Get ship_to information\n   if( $db->f(\"user_info_id\") != $dbbt->f(\"user_info_id\")) {\n     $q2  = \"SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info WHERE user_info_id=\'\".$db->f(\"user_info_id\").\"\'\"; \n     $dbst = new ps_DB;\n     $dbst->setQuery($q2);\n     $dbst->query();\n     $dbst->next_record();\n   }\n   else  {\n     $dbst = $dbbt;\n   }\n         \n   //Authnet vars to send\n   $formdata = array (\n    \'x_login\' => TWOCO_LOGIN,\n    \'x_email_merchant\' => ((TWOCO_MERCHANT_EMAIL == \'True\') ? \'TRUE\' : \'FALSE\'),\n          \n    // Customer Name and Billing Address\n    \'x_first_name\' => $dbbt->f(\"first_name\"),\n    \'x_last_name\' => $dbbt->f(\"last_name\"),\n    \'x_company\' => $dbbt->f(\"company\"),\n    \'x_address\' => $dbbt->f(\"address_1\"),\n    \'x_city\' => $dbbt->f(\"city\"),\n    \'x_state\' => $dbbt->f(\"state\"),\n    \'x_zip\' => $dbbt->f(\"zip\"),\n    \'x_country\' => $dbbt->f(\"country\"),\n    \'x_phone\' => $dbbt->f(\"phone_1\"),\n    \'x_fax\' => $dbbt->f(\"fax\"),\n    \'x_email\' => $dbbt->f(\"email\"),\n   \n    // Customer Shipping Address\n    \'x_ship_to_first_name\' => $dbst->f(\"first_name\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_last_name\' => $dbst->f(\"last_name\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_company\' => $dbst->f(\"company\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_address\' => $dbst->f(\"address_1\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_city\' => $dbst->f(\"city\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_state\' => $dbst->f(\"state\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_zip\' => $dbst->f(\"zip\"),\n    \'x_ship_to_country\' => $dbst->f(\"country\"),\n   \n    \'x_invoice_num\' => $db->f(\"order_number\"),\n    \'x_receipt_link_url\' => SECUREURL.\"2checkout_notify.php\"\n    );\n    \n   if( TWOCO_TESTMODE == \"Y\" )\n     $formdata[\'demo\'] = \"Y\";\n   \n    $version = \"2\";\n    $url = \"\";\n    $formdata[\'x_amount\'] = number_format($db->f(\"order_total\"), 2, \'.\', \'\');\n   \n    //build the post string\n    $poststring = \'\';\n    foreach($formdata AS $key => $val){\n      $poststring .= \"<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'$key\' value=\'$val\' />\n   \";\n    }\n   \n   ?>\n   <form action=\"<?php echo $url ?>\" method=\"post\" target=\"_blank\">\n   <?php echo $poststring ?>\n   <p>Click on the Image below to pay...</p>\n   <input type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Make payments with 2Checkout, it\'s fast and secure!\" title=\"Pay your Order with 2Checkout, it\'s fast and secure!\" />\n   </form>',''),
 (8,1,'NoChex','ps_nochex',5,'0.00',0,'NOCHEX','P',0,'N','','<form action=\"\" method=post target=\"_blank\"> \n                                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"<?php echo NOCHEX_EMAIL ?>\" />\n                                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"<?php printf(\"%.2f\", $db->f(\"order_total\"))?>\" />\n                                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ordernumber\" value=\"<?php $db->p(\"order_id\") ?>\" />\n                                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"logo\" value=\"<?php echo $vendor_image_url ?>\" />\n                                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnurl\" value=\"<?php echo SECUREURL .\"index.php?option=com_virtuemart&amp;page=checkout.result&amp;order_id=\".$db->f(\"order_id\") ?>\" />\n                                 <input type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" src=\"\"> \n                                 </form>',''),
 (9,1,'Credit Card (PayMeNow)','ps_paymenow',5,'0.00',0,'PN','Y',0,'N','1,2,3,','',''),
 (12,1,'Credit Card (eProcessingNetwork)','ps_epn',5,'0.00',0,'EPN','Y',0,'N','1,2,3,','',''),
 (13,1,'iKobo','',5,'0.00',0,'IK','P',0,'N','','<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"cart\" />Click on the image below to Pay with iKobo\n  <input type=\"image\" src=\"\" name=\"submit\" alt=\"Pay with iKobo\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"poid\" value=\"USER_ID\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item\" value=\"Order: <?php $db->p(\"order_id\") ?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"price\" value=\"<?php printf(\"%.2f\", $db->f(\"order_total\"))?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"firstname\" value=\"<?php echo $user->first_name?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lastname\" value=\"<?php echo $user->last_name?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address\" value=\"<?php echo $user->address_1?>&#10<?php echo $user->address_2?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"city\" value=\"<?php echo $user->city?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"state\" value=\"<?php echo $user->state?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zip\" value=\"<?php echo $user->zip?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phone\" value=\"<?php echo $user->phone_1?>\" /> \n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"<?php echo $user->email?>\" /> \n  </form> >',''),
 (14,1,'iTransact','',5,'0.00',0,'ITR','P',0,'N','','<?php\n  //your iTransact account details\n  $vendorID = \"XXXXX\";\n  global $vendor_name;\n  $mername = $vendor_name;\n  \n  //order details\n  $total = $db->f(\"order_total\");$first_name = $user->first_name;$last_name = $user->last_name;$address = $user->address_1;$city = $user->city;$state = $user->state;$zip = $user->zip;$country = $user->country;$email = $user->email;$phone = $user->phone_1;$home_page = $mosConfig_live_site.\"/index.php\";$ret_addr = $mosConfig_live_site.\"/index.php\";$cc_payment_image = $mosConfig_live_site.\"/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/ps_image/cc_payment.jpg\";\n  ?>\n  <form action=\"\" method=\"POST\"> \n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"vendor_id\" value=\"<?php echo $vendorID; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"home_page\" value=\"<?php echo $home_page; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ret_addr\" value=\"<?php echo $ret_addr; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mername\" value=\"<?php echo $mername; ?>\" />\n      <!--Enter text in the next value that should appear on the bottom of the order form.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"mertext\" value=\"\" />\n      <!--If you are accepting checks, enter the number 1 in the next value.  Enter the number 0 if you are not accepting checks.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"acceptchecks\" value=\"0\" />\n      <!--Enter the number 1 in the next value if you want to allow pre-registered customers to pay with a check.  Enter the number 0 if not.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"allowreg\" value=\"0\" />\n      <!--If you are set up with Check Guarantee, enter the number 1 in the next value.  Enter the number 0 if not.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"checkguar\" value=\"0\" />\n      <!--Enter the number 1 in the next value if you are accepting credit card payments.  Enter the number zero if not.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"acceptcards\" value=\"1\">\n      <!--Enter the number 1 in the next value if you want to allow a separate mailing address for credit card orders.  Enter the number 0 if not.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"altaddr\" value=\"0\" />\n      <!--Enter the number 1 in the next value if you want the customer to enter the CVV number for card orders.  Enter the number 0 if not.-->\n      <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"showcvv\" value=\"1\" />\n      \n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"1-desc\" value=\"Order Total\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"1-cost\" value=\"<?php echo $total; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"1-qty\" value=\"1\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"total\" value=\"<?php echo $total; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"<?php echo $first_name; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"<?php echo $last_name; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address\" value=\"<?php echo $address; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"city\" value=\"<?php echo $city; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"state\" value=\"<?php echo $state; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zip\" value=\"<?php echo $zip; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"country\" value=\"<?php echo $country; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phone\" value=\"<?php echo $phone; ?>\" />\n      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"<?php echo $email; ?>\" />\n      <p><input type=\"image\" alt=\"Process Secure Credit Card Transaction using iTransact\" border=\"0\" height=\"60\" width=\"210\" src=\"<?php echo $cc_payment_image; ?>\" /> </p>\n      </form>',''),
 (15,1,'Dankort / PBS','ps_pbs',5,'0.00',0,'PBS','P',0,'N','','',''),
 (16,1,'Verisign PayFlow Pro','ps_pfp',5,'0.00',0,'PFP','Y',0,'Y','1,2,6,7,','','');

Offline jk4nik

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Re: Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento
« Risposta #2 il: 28 Nov 2007, 21:23:30 »
per essere sicuro di ripristinare quello che hai cancellato usa il backup che ovviamente DEVE esserci;

nel caso alquanto disgraziato che tu non abbia pensato a farlo quotidianamente installati la stessa versione di joomla e di VM in locale, usando gli stessi zip iniziali. tempo 15 minuti e puoi vedere come era il pagamento e farti eventualmente il TUO dump o copia incolla dei dati.

Sta per essere approvata la nuova nomenclatura per le taglie dei reggiseni: essi saranno d'ora in poi descritti con le lettere dell'alfabeto ABCDEF: A - Apprezzabile B - Buona C - Cannonata D - Discreta E - Esagerata F - Falsa

Offline marphj

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Re: Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento
« Risposta #3 il: 01 Dic 2007, 13:53:36 »
Scusate il ritardo, intanto vi ringrazio dei vs. consigli, anche  se non utilizzati, perchè nel frattempo e stato sufficente creare un altro tipo di pagamento e inserire tutte configurazioni copiate da un'altra installazione, mi sono allarmato inutilmente ;D, grazie comunque dell'aiuto.   

Offline jk4nik

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Re: Cancellato da lista tipi di pagamento
« Risposta #4 il: 01 Dic 2007, 16:02:42 »
infatti era quello che ti avevo detto io

Sta per essere approvata la nuova nomenclatura per le taglie dei reggiseni: essi saranno d'ora in poi descritti con le lettere dell'alfabeto ABCDEF: A - Apprezzabile B - Buona C - Cannonata D - Discreta E - Esagerata F - Falsa


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