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Autore Topic: rhuk_solarflare_ii .... modifica template per corretta visione testata in FF  (Letto 2021 volte)

Offline lorenzol

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...sono riuscito a sistemare da solo uno dei tre problemi (quello legato allo sconfinamento a destra del colore del menù principale semplicemente reinserendo nel template del CSS l'immagine dell'houver del menu, che prima avevo tolto).

- potreste aiutarmi adesso però a farmi capire come faccio a visualizzare l'immagine della testata anche in firefox?? Non capisco come mai si vede in IE e non in firefox!!??

Mi basterebbe quest'ultima modifica per poi pubblicare il sito!

Riporto qui sotto la parte relativa all'header del CSS del template di rhuk_solarflare_ii.

Qualche suggerimento? Per favore, fatemi sapere.

Grazie !!

il sito é:

#header {
   float: left;
   padding: 0px;
   margin-right: 2px;
   width: 635px;
   height: 150px;
   background: url(../images/testata finish.png); background-color: #C60000; }

a.mainlevel#active_menu:hover {
   color: #fff;
backgound: url(../images/menu_newpg.png)

Offline lorenzol

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Forse il problema è che non ho inserito il path dell'immagine della testata anche nel foglio HTML??

Che ne dite??


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         <p align="left"><font face="Arial " size="1">Last August 2007, Microfinanza Srl launched a new remittances project, named &quot;<strong>Handled with Care</strong>&quot;, between Italy and Albania. </font></p>         </td>

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            Welcome to the Microfinanza Srl's website                        </td>
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         <p class="Sommario" align="left"><font face="Arial " size="2">Microfinanza Srl is the Italy's leading microfinance consultancy firm. A p</font><font face="Arial "><font size="2">ioneer with over 10 years in the sector, we </font><font size="2">offer a wide range of consultancy services </font></font><font face="Arial " size="2">in the field of Rural and Urban Microfinance, Finance for Development, </font><font face="Arial " size="2">Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Finance in developing countries and transition economies, and E</font><font face="Arial " size="2">thical Finance. </font></p>
<p class="Sommario" align="left"><font face="Arial " size="2">All our experts have gained significant experience in most developing countries. Thanks to this experience we have acquired a thorough knowledge of Microfinance Networks and Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) both at the national and international level, including the endeavour in which such entities operate.</font></p>
<p class="Sommario" align="left"><font face="Arial " size="2">Our clients are mainly International Organizations, Consulting Firms, Banks and (Micro) Financial Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Associations.</font></p>
<p class="Sommario">&nbsp;</p>         </td>

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            Microfinanza Srl started a new remittances project                        </td>
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         <p align="left"><font face="Arial " size="1">Last August 2007, Microfinanza Srl launched a new remittances project, named &quot;<strong>Handled with Care</strong>&quot;, between Italy and Albania. </font></p>         </td>
               <td align="left" colspan="2">
                  <a href=";task=view&amp;id=2&amp;Itemid=1" class="readon">
                     Read more...[/url]

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