ragazzi ho risolto stamattina.. ho trovato la soluzione nei commenti del componente su joomla.org ... vi incollo ciò che ho letto per risolvere il problema..
This is an excellent module! But it has a little bug, easily fixed. Just follow these instrucitons to do it...
For the problem showing text in the wrong (UTF-8) character set, you can make some changes in the file /modules/mod_shoutbox.php.
Search for "function jal_addData(" and after " $jal_user_text = substr($jal_user_text,0,500);
" add this:
$jal_user_text = mb_convert_encoding($jal_user_text, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8");
if your encoding is ISO-8859-1 or change it according to yours.