Il plugin è mosmodule e dalla pagina di istruzioni leggo:
Syntax: {mm command} ---> see a list of available command below for more detail
() optional parameter
[] default value
MM substitue for mosmodule
List of available commands:
# list
* Displays a list of available modules and block positions.
# module=modulename1,(module2,module3,etc)
* For example: {MM module=Search,poll}
* Hard code default to style = -1 (raw)
# random=FAQ,(title),(introtext|fulltext|[all])
* Displays the entire section randomly, default to don't show title
# articleid=2,(introtext|fulltext|[all])
* Displays an article inside another article, default is all
# codeid=2
* Displays an article inside another article as code listing
# snippet=2
* Execute and displays an article inside another article as PHP code
# phpinc=hello.php,firtname,lastname
* Include php file, Execute and displays an inside an article
# textsizer=idtag
* textsizer to resize text by passing the id tag of your content
# video=Video_url,(width,heigth)
* Default is width=390, heigth=280
* Play embed video from YouTube, Yahoo Video, Google Video or any embed flash video
# videoegg=VE_Path,(width,heigth)
* Default is width=390, heigth=280
* VideoEgg Path to your uploaded video file.
# author=username,(5),(introtext|fulltext|[all]),(page,[nopage])
* Displays 5 articles by author using username inside another article, default is 5, all, page
* Pagination in author with customizable mosmodule.css
* Use as Blog by author with pagination in article also works in CB with some hack (ask me)
# flash=videofolderpath/flashfile.swf,(width,heigth)
* Play flash (swf or flv) video file in videofolderpath with option width and height.
* Default is width=390, heigth=280
# grabpage=url
* For example: {MM grabpage=}
Nel tuo caso, quindi, all'interno del contenuto, dove vuoi che appaia il modulo, metterai
{MM module=Search,poll}
dove Search,poll viene sostituito con il nome del modulo che tu vuoi far apparire.
Puoi anche metterne più d'uno separando i nomi con una virgola (come nell'esempio)