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Autore Topic: Strano errore cb 1.1 dopo importazione da joomla 1.015 a 1.5 errore field e tab  (Letto 1329 volte)

Offline Matteino1988

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Salve amici, rieccomi qui, con un'altro problema, spero di farcela almeno a risolvere questo..
Dopo aver installato joomla 1.5 ho fatto migrate del database dalla versione 1.015, e ora arriva un problema, se vado a fare check con i tools di cb ,mi segnala questo errore, come posso fare?? io h ogia importanto i field facendo manualmente il copia incolla dal vecchio db ... ecco l'errore :

Checking Community Builder Datbase:

All Community Builder comprofiler_field_values table fieldid rows all match existing fields.

All Community Builder comprofiler_field_values table rows link to correct fieldtype fields in comprofiler_field table.

All Community Builder comprofiler table rows have links to user table.

All users table rows have links to comprofiler table.

There are 109 column(s) missing in the comprofiler table, which are defined as fields (rows in comprofiler_fields):

- Column cb_pglastupdate is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgtotalsize is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgtotalitems is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pguploadsize is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgtotalquotaitems is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgtotalquotasize is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgshortgreeting is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgautoapprove is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgautopublish is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgenable is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column fbviewtype is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column lon is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pb_enable is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pb_autopublish is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pb_notifyme is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column fbsignature is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_sesso is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column fbordering is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_msncb is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_skypecba is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column website is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_occhi is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_regione is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_provincia is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_localita is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_birthday is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_peso is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_altezza is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_corporatura is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_capellicolore is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_tagliocapelli is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_scarpe is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_etnia is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_tattoo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_piercing is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_alcool is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_fumo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_drogheleggere is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_droghepesanti is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_carattere is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column lat is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_tendenza is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_status is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_segnozodiacale is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_modidifare is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_look is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_animali is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_regionericerco is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_provinciacerco is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_cercosesso is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_tedenzacerco is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_segnoricerca is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_etamassima is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_etaminima is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_cosacerco is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_separatorecontattarti is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_delinatoreprofilo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_profilodelineo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_hotzoneprof is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_parladitefiel is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_spazio is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barraa is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrab is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrac is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrad is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrae is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrag is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrah is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_scrivi is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barrak is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barral is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barram is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_barraz is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_circonciso is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_professione is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_ruolosessualericer is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pratichesessuali is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_ruolosessuale is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_sessoprotetto is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_frequenzarapporti is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_hiv is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_dotato is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_sessotre is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_auto is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_musica is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_motivo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_figli is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_sport is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_sabatosera is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_amo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_odio is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_cibo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_drink is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_miofilm is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_quantoguadagno is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_spendo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_seno is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_lingue is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_puntiforti is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_personepiacciono is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_partnerideale is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_vivo is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgaccessmode is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_pgdisplayformat is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_city is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_state is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_address is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_zipcode is missing from comprofiler table.

- Column cb_country is missing from comprofiler table.

This one can be fixed by deleting and recreating the field(s) using components -> Community Builder -> Field Management.
Please additionally make sure that columns in comprofiler table are not also duplicated in users table.

users table has no zero id row.

comprofiler table has no zero id row.

All rows in comprofiler table have user_id columns identical to id columns.

Checking Community Builder folders:
Avatars and thumbnails folder is Writeable.

Test done. If all lines above are in green, test completed successfully. Otherwise, please take corrective measures proposed in red.


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