Ciao marabù
ti riporto l'analisi ( molto negativa ), fatta al tuo sito da
TOTAL_OBJECTS - Warning! The total number of objects on this page is 66 - consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external objects. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests.
TOTAL_IMAGES - Warning! The total number of images on this page is 47 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your graphics. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests.
TOTAL_CSS - Warning! The total number of external CSS files on this page is 8 , consider reducing this to one or two external files. Combine, refine, and optimize your external CSS files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed CSS for high-traffic pages) on your pages.
TOTAL_SIZE - Warning! The total size of this page is 902306 bytes, which will load in 193.03 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Consider reducing total page size to less than 30K to achieve sub eight second response times on 56K connections. Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with feedback. Consider contacting us about our optimization services.
TOTAL_SCRIPT - Warning! The total number of external script files on this page is 10 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external script files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed scripts for high-traffic pages) on your pages.
IMAGES_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your images is 661337 bytes, which is over 30K. Consider optimizing your images for size, combining them, and replacing graphic rollovers with CSS.
SCRIPT_SIZE - Warning! The total size of external your scripts is 96098 bytes, which is over 8K. Consider optimizing your scripts for size, combining them, and using compression where appropriate for any scripts placed in the HEAD of your documents.
CSS_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your external CSS is 43040 bytes, which is over 8K. Consider optimizing your CSS for size by eliminating whitespace, using shorthand notation, and combining multiple CSS files where appropriate.
Non credo sia un problema di server o MySQL, quanto il fatto che hai CSS e HTML pesanti, tanti script....consiglio un'ottimizzazione.
Del resto...guarda cosa "ti" dicono:
The total size of this page is 902306 bytes, which will load in 193.03 seconds on a 56Kbps modem