Ciao a tutti, prima vuoi dire que non parlo bene italian perche sono spagnolo
mi spiace...
Ho instalato il componente oziogallery senza problema ma non arrivo a mettere flashgallery en articolo :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("flashgallery.swf", "gallery", "600", "450", "8"); // You can change gallery width and height here or by styling div that contains gallery (use pixels or percents).
so.addParam("quality", "high");
so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");
so.addVariable("/images/oziogallery/Adelestephens/","img"); // Location of a folder with JPG and PNG files (relative to php script) or a link to Flickr photostream (for example "" or "").
so.addVariable("color_path","blue.xml"); // Location of xml file with settings.
so.addVariable("/components/com_oziogallery/flashgallery.php","flashgallery.php"); // Location of php script (not required if you work with Flickr).
Ho fatto qualcosa male en il codice ?
Grazie !!