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Autore Topic: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef  (Letto 2441 volte)

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Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« il: 19 Dic 2008, 19:13:08 »
ciao a tutti,
premetto che uso joomla 1.5.8 + rockbridge per le connessioni tra phpBB3 e il sito e sono su server linux (netsons). Devo aggiungere alcuni parametri all'htaccess. Allora, per rockbridge chiede di aggiungere questo:

Codice: [Seleziona]
# @version $Id: htaccess.txt 2059 2007-10-02 17:19:34Z jinx $
# @package RokBridge - phpBB3 edition
# @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 RocketWerx. All rights reserved.
# @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
# @author Johan Janssens <>

########## Begin - RokBridge - phpBB3 edition SEF Section
# The following rules need to be added to the Joomla! 1.5
# .htaccess file to allow the bridge to work in SEF mode.
# See also the bridge configuration.php file for details.

# Dont' use the rule below, it's needs optimisation and
# will not work correctly
# RewriteRule ^/forum/distribution/  forum/index.php [F,L]

# Place the below 4 lines in the Joomla! .htaccess file you
# can find in your Joomla! 1.5 root directory.
# The lines should be placed before the Joomla! Core SEF
# section.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php
RewriteRule ^/forum/  forum/index.php [L]

########## End - RokBridge - phpBB3 edition SEF Section

inoltre per Sh404Sef ultima versione stabile per la mia versione di joomla mi spegate come devo modificare l'htaccess affinchè funzioni?

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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #1 il: 20 Dic 2008, 18:20:40 »
nessuno mi sa aiutare :'(

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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #2 il: 23 Dic 2008, 00:53:09 »
Buonasera vecchia,

per far funzionare sh404sef devi agire su due funzioni

Options +FollowSymLinks
# RewriteBase /

Per il primo basta commentare la riga con un # ottenendo:
# Options +FollowSymLinks

Per il secondo, # RewriteBase / le configurazioni possibili sono 2:
1) Basta eliminare il commento alla riga (#) ottenendo:
RewriteBase /
2) Se si installa joomla in una directory secondaria si configura aggiungendo la cartella dove hai istallato joomla, in questo modo:
RewriteBase /cartella_secondaria
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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #3 il: 23 Dic 2008, 15:37:02 »
attualmente ho questo htaccess che funziona, cosa devo fare?

Codice: [Seleziona]
# @version $Id: htaccess.txt 10492 2008-07-02 06:38:28Z ircmaxell $
# @package Joomla
# @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
# @license GNU/GPL
# Joomla! is Free Software

# The line just below this section: 'Options +FollowSymLinks' may cause problems
# with some server configurations.  It is required for use of mod_rewrite, but may already
# be set by your server administrator in a way that dissallows changing it in
# your .htaccess file.  If using it causes your server to error out, comment it out (add # to
# beginning of line), reload your site in your browser and test your sef url's.  If they work,
# it has been set by your server administrator and you do not need it set here.

##  Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
Options +FollowSymLinks

#  mod_rewrite in use

RewriteEngine On

########## Begin - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits
## If you experience problems on your site block out the operations listed below
## This attempts to block the most common type of exploit `attempts` to Joomla!
# Block out any script trying to set a mosConfig value through the URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} mosConfig_[a-zA-Z_]{1,21}(=|\%3D) [OR]
# Block out any script trying to base64_encode crap to send via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*\(.*\) [OR]
# Block out any script that includes a <script> tag in URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR]
# Block out any script trying to set a PHP GLOBALS variable via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
# Block out any script trying to modify a _REQUEST variable via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})
# Send all blocked request to homepage with 403 Forbidden error!
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
########## End - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits

#  Uncomment following line if your webserver's URL
#  is not directly related to physical file paths.
#  Update Your Joomla! Directory (just / for root)

# RewriteBase /

# @version $Id: htaccess.txt 2059 2007-10-02 17:19:34Z jinx $
# @package RokBridge - phpBB3 edition
# @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 RocketWerx. All rights reserved.
# @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
# @author Johan Janssens <>

########## Begin - RokBridge - phpBB3 edition SEF Section
# The following rules need to be added to the Joomla! 1.5
# .htaccess file to allow the bridge to work in SEF mode.
# See also the bridge configuration.php file for details.

# Dont' use the rule below, it's needs optimisation and
# will not work correctly
# RewriteRule ^/forum/distribution/  forum/index.php [F,L]

# Place the below 4 lines in the Joomla! .htaccess file you
# can find in your Joomla! 1.5 root directory.
# The lines should be placed before the Joomla! Core SEF
# section.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php
RewriteRule ^/forum/  forum/index.php [L]
########## End - RokBridge - phpBB3 edition SEF Section

########## Begin - Joomla! core SEF Section
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.feed|\.pdf|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
########## End - Joomla! core SEF Section

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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #4 il: 24 Dic 2008, 18:45:58 »
Non hai detto che problemi ti da...
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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #5 il: 24 Dic 2008, 20:03:55 »
non mi da problemi, ho semplicemente aggiunto all'htaccess la parte rockbridge e volevo sapere se era corretot così... per sh404sef dato che attualmente con questo htaccess funziona lo stesso senza modificare niente posso lasciarlo così?

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Re: Rockbridge + Sh404Sef
« Risposta #6 il: 24 Dic 2008, 22:46:17 »
ovvio...  :)

Buon Natale
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