Ninuccio niente mi da sempre l ostesso errore però ho notato anche se nel check database tutto è verde ci sono i campi da me inseriti che hanno un scritta smepre verde nel quale dice not update.
questa è la copia del risultato
Table #__comprofiler Column avatar structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column avatarapproved structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column hits structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column registerDate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column lastvisitDate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastupdatedate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column email exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column password structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column params exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_etdilui exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_etdilei exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_regione exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_preferenze structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_feste exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_pb_enable structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column fbviewtype exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_pb_autopublish structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column fbordering exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_pb_notifyme structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column fbsignature exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_annuncio2 exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_geolatitude structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_geomangeocode structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_geolongitude structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_ICQ structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_MSN structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_AIM structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_Yahoo structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_Jabber structure is up-to-date.
ED è tutot i nverde ma se noti ci sono dei cmapi da inesirti che è se come non fossero upgradabili .
Mi Sbaglio ?