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Autore Topic: Aiuto per jfeedback  (Letto 1470 volte)

Offline gioxen

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Aiuto per jfeedback
« il: 06 Feb 2009, 18:19:34 »
Vorrei aggiungere un altra riga accanto a dove inserisco il nome, ad esempio: beneficiario. In modo tale da poter visualizzare

Chi mi può scirvere il codice e dove inserirlo?

Offline gioxen

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Re: Aiuto per jfeedback
« Risposta #1 il: 06 Feb 2009, 18:49:55 »
<?php // no direct access

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');



$config =& JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_jfeedback' );

$showauthor = $config->get( 'showauthor' );

$showdate = $config->get( 'showdate' );

$permission = $config->get( 'permission' );

$the = $config->get( 'the' );

$tmex = $config->get( 'tmex' );

$hc = $config->get( 'hc' );

$tauthor = $config->get( 'tauthor' );

$tdate = $config->get( 'tdate' );

$tfeedback = $config->get( 'tfeedback' );

$has_said = $config->get( 'has_said' );

$numfeed = $config->get( 'numfeed' );

$name = $config->get( 'name' );

$intro = $config->get( 'intro' );

$namey = $config->get( 'namey' );

$introy = $config->get( 'introy' );

$commy = $config->get( 'commy' );

$feed_ok = $config->get( 'feed_ok' );

$invia = $config->get( 'invia' );

if ( $namey == '1' ) { echo '

<div class="componentheading" id="jfheading">';echo $name;echo '</div>';}

if ( $introy == '1' ) { echo '

<p class="jfeedbackintro" style="opacity:.75;;">';echo $intro;echo '</p>



if ( $_POST['insfeedback'] != '' && $_POST['insauthor'] != '' )

{ echo '<h2 style="color:red">'.$feed_ok.'</h2>




// Load ID

$dboid =& JFactory::getDBO();

$queryid = "SELECT id FROM #__jfeedback ORDER BY id DESC";

$dboid->setQuery( $queryid );

$id =& $dboid->loadResultArray();

// Get right number of entries

$outputid = array_slice($id, 0, $numfeed);

// Recursive Write

if ( $commy == '1' ) {

echo "<h3 class='com2'>".$hc."</h3>"; }

echo"<div class='quadro'>";

while (list($key,$v_id) = each($outputid)){

$dbo =& JFactory::getDBO();

$queryauthorv_id = "SELECT author FROM #__jfeedback WHERE id =".$v_id.';';

$querydatev_id = "SELECT data FROM #__jfeedback WHERE id =".$v_id.';';

$queryfeedbackv_id = "SELECT feedback FROM #__jfeedback WHERE id =".$v_id.';';

$dbo->setQuery( $queryauthorv_id );

$author =& $dbo->loadResultArray();

$dbo->setQuery( $querydatev_id );

$date =& $dbo->loadResultArray();

$dbo->setQuery( $queryfeedbackv_id );

$feedback =& $dbo->loadResultArray();

// if session

if ( $showauthor == 1 && $showdate == 1 ){

echo "<div class='jfeedback' id='jf".$v_id."'>";

echo "<div class='jfeedbacktitle' id='jftitle".$v_id."'>";

echo ''.$author[0].'';

echo ', '.$the.' ';

echo ''.$date[0].'';

echo ' '.$has_said.':

echo '</div>';

echo $feedback[0];

echo '</div>

echo "<hr style='width:100%' size='2' />


if ( $showauthor == 1 && $showdate == 0 ){

echo "<div class='jfeedback' id='jf".$v_id."'>";

echo "<div class='jfeedbacktitle' id='jftitle".$v_id."'>";

echo ''.$author[0].'';

echo ' '.$has_said.':

echo '</div>';

echo $feedback[0];

echo '</div>';

echo "<hr style='width:100%' size='2' />";


if ( $showauthor == 0 && $showdate == 1 ){

echo "<div class='jfeedback' id='jf".$v_id."'>";

echo "<div class='jfeedbacktitle' id='jftitle".$v_id."'>";

echo ''.$date[0].'';

echo ':

echo '</div>';

echo $feedback[0];

echo '</div>

echo "<hr style='width:100%' size='2' />


if ( $showauthor == 0 && $showdate == 0 ){

echo "<div class='jfeedback' id='jf".$v_id."'>";

echo $feedback[0];

echo '</div>

echo "<hr style='width:100%' size='2' />



echo "</div>";



if ( $permission == 1 ) { echo '

<a name="commenti" id="commenti">

<h3 class="com">'.$tmex.'</h3>[/url]

<form action="" method="post" name="Form" id="Form">


<input class="text_area" type="text" name="insauthor" id="insauthor" size="32" maxlength="250" value="" />


<textarea class="text_area" type="text" name="insfeedback" id="insfeedback" rows="5"  cols="70" value="" ></textarea>

<input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" size="32"  value="'.$invia.'" />

<input type="reset" name="Reset" id="Reset" size="32"  value="Reset" />




if ( $_POST['insfeedback'] != ''  && $_POST['insauthor'] != '' )


$database =& JFactory::getDBO();

$user = new stdClass;

$user->id = NULL;

$user->feedback = $_POST['insfeedback'];

$user->author = $_POST['insauthor'];


if (!$database->insertObject( '#__jfeedback', $user, 'id' )) {

  echo $database->stderr();




Offline gioxen

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Re: Aiuto per jfeedback
« Risposta #2 il: 06 Feb 2009, 19:18:51 »
E' poi possibile far visualizzare quanti feedback ha ricevuto un utente X?

Offline gioxen

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Re: Aiuto per jfeedback
« Risposta #3 il: 07 Feb 2009, 15:27:47 »
Help! ???

Offline gioxen

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Re: Aiuto per jfeedback
« Risposta #4 il: 18 Feb 2009, 17:03:02 »
Un aiutino?


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