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Autore Topic: installazione Virtuemart su joomla 1.5.10  (Letto 6857 volte)

Offline slakers

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installazione Virtuemart su joomla 1.5.10
« il: 08 Apr 2009, 17:36:50 »
è tutto il giorno che ci provo ma non ne esco fuori.
Ho installato correttamente joomla 1.5.10 ora volevo implementare Virtuemart 1.1.3,arrivo sempre alla schermata del STEP 1 INSTALLAZIONE AVVENUTA CON SUCCESSO e quando vado a cliccare Install SAMPLE DATA >> mi viene sempre fuori quella maledetta scritta "server internal error"
Le ho provate tutte,cancello e ricancello le cartelle com_virtuemart,appena mi esce fuori la scritta "STEP 1 AVVENUTO CON SUCCESSO" entro con filezilla FTP  do i permessi 777 ai files com_virtuemart sia in administrator che in components,clicco Install SAMPLE DATA e si blocca di continuo.Non saprei cos'altro fare..avete suggerimenti?
Dimenticavo,Virtuemart l'ho scompattato sia in una cartella nella root di joomla sia nel mio tutti e 2 i casi quando vado a caricare mi dice sempre che l'installazione ha avuto successo.Il problema mi appare sempre solamente quando voglio installare Install SAMPLE DATA
« Ultima modifica: 08 Apr 2009, 17:40:11 da slakers »

Offline slakers

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Re: installazione Virtuemart su joomla 1.5.10
« Risposta #1 il: 08 Apr 2009, 17:57:48 »
Ho appena eseguito anche l'installazione manuale ma niente

Manual Installation

The installation has failed? You have safe_mode = On ?

You don't need to pull out your hair! You can still use the Manual Installation.

Manual Installation requires little more efforts than the automatic installation. It will need some file copying.

    * Download the Manual Installation Package. This is just another Package Form of VirtueMart.
    * Unpack the archive file "VirtueMart_x.x_Manual-Installation-Package.tar.gz" you have downloaded in Step 1 to a local directory using Winzip or Winrar.

You should now find at least four directories. The directory structure in those directories is the same as in your Joomla! / Mambo site:

    * /administrator
    * /components
    * /mambots
    * /modules

Now Open up an FTP Connection to your site (you should use an FTP Program like SmartFTP...) and upload the directories to the root of your Joomla! site.

    * /site-root/administrator
    * /site-root/components
    * /site-root/mambots
    * /site-root/modules

    * Login in to the Backend (Administration) of your site (
    * When having logged in, you see this URL in the address bar:""
    * Now just add " ?option=com_virtuemart " after "index2.php", so it looks like this in your browser's address bar:""and submit (press Enter).
    * You should now see the "Installation was successful..." Screen. There you can click on " GO TO THE SHOP » " or " INSTALL SAMPLE DATA » " (when you want to have some sample Products and Categories in your Shop).
    * That's it.
    * To install the Modules and Mambots for VirtueMart, follow the instructions of the Automatic Installation, Steps 6 and 7. If this doesn't help you, because NO automatic installations are possible, you can manually upload the files (you have probably already done this in step 3).

Modules and Mambots must be entered into the database table jos_mambots / jos_modules.

You can add these entries by uploading an SQL file (using phpMyAdmin) that contains all necessary queries:"/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/sql/virtuemart_modules.installation.sql"

Now you should have installed VirtueMart correctly.


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