Ciao e grazie per l'intervento...
Ho installato phoca gallery, stavo inserendo le immagini e mi ha dato questa risposta:
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Phoca Gallery is creating thumbnail(s) now. Please wait...
Creating of thumbnail ind.jpg ... Errore
(Re)creating of thumbnails is running now, please wait...
Error Message: Error while Creating Thumbnails (ThumbnailExists)
What to do now : » If you have fixed the problem caused by
Image (wrong type or broken image) - remove the image or upload new image via e.g. FTP
GD Library (not correctly working GD library, not working GD functions) - install or reinstall GD library
Permissions (no rights to write files or folders) - change the permissions of image/phocagallery folders on your server,
you can go back to Phoca Gallery. Phoca Gallery will try to create the thumbnails again.
Go to the Phoca Gallery
» You can close this box and solve the problem e.g. in Media Manager or via FTP.
Go to the Phoca Gallery
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credo che si tratti dei permessi che non sono impostati a 777. Il problema che ho provato ad impostarli a 777 ma non me lo fa fare...mi dice OPERAZIONE NON PERMESSA