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Topics - arjandv

Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Ozio gallery2.3 slideshow stops
« il: 23 Feb 2010, 22:43:26 »
oziogallery slideshow

I have installed Ozio Gallery 2.  Nice program, only thing is that the the slide doesn't work 100%.
Once it is started/shown on the page which is opened al is fine...but once clicked to full screen it is not always conitnueing in slideshow but stops.   This also happens when i switch from another part of the website.. It simple stays blocked and i have to change pictures one by one.

I do get the two errors..
So please check the link below

I kindly hope you can Carneade with this matter

Kind regards !

[allegato vecchio più di un anno eliminato automaticamente]

Pagine: [1]

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