I'm having a problem using Ozio 4.2.3 on a Joomla 3.3.1 site. I created the menu item for gallery "Grumman & Museums" of user 105720407528523691990. When I try to view it on the site it appears like it is loading but nothing happens. I have tried to install the JQuery Easy and it is currently activated with jQuery + jQuery UI and ver. 1.8. I have also tried changing the PHP version of the website from 5.3 to 5.5 and nothing seems to change the outcome. I have tried changing the template to beez and the pictures still don't display. Also if I go into the component Ozio and click the gallery Grumman & Museums, I get a white box with info, and after a few seconds the whole browser window goes dim/dark and nothing else happens.
I will say that i accidentally installed the wrong version, 3.3.18 for J!2.x on this 3.x Joomla site. I then immediately installed the correct version 4.2.3.
Do you have any advice get this working?
You can see the page here: