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Post - jason de schutter

Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Re:Partial display of my pictures
« il: 05 Apr 2016, 12:05:15 »
Works perfectly! Thank you again  ;)

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Partial display of my pictures
« il: 04 Apr 2016, 21:47:31 »
Hi Alexred,

Here they are : my gallery & my google album
I hope I haven't made any mistake in the described procedure...  :-\
I chose the nano skin, black & green.

Thanks for your care!

EDIT : my google album (2) in case the first link would'nt work.. to have this one, I had to "share" the album, but this was not the case when I noted the problem..

Hello everyone,

First, I'd like to thank the programmer(s) of this component.. it's really convenient and practical moreover!
Well, I've just got one small problem : one of my G+ album (public) contains theoretically 47 pictures, but it seems that Ozio Gallery shows no more than 11 pictures and at most the background of the remaining 36 pictures... That's not quite sexy on my web page  :-\  Has anybody a solution to my problem?

Thanks a lot and have a nice week!

Pagine: [1]

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