Faccio un ultimo tentativo...sul sito ora il componente è impostato per vedere solo il titolo del content, incollo il codice dove secondo le mie scarsissime conoscenze dovrebbe essere inserita la possibilità di vedere il plugin onepixelout....
* Custom Properties for Joomla! 1.5.x
* @package Custom Properties
* @subpackage Component
* @version 1.98
* @revision $Revision: 1.7 $
* @author Andrea Forghieri
* @copyright (C) Andrea Forghieri,
www.solidsystem.it* @license
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL version 2
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die();
jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view' );
* Search Result View
* @package Custom Properties
* @subpackage Components
class CustompropertiesViewShow extends JView
* Show matching records returned from search
* @return void
function display($tpl = null)
$model = $this->getModel('search');
$params = $model->getParams();
$use_joomfish = $params->get('use_joomfish');
$tagId = JRequest::getInt('tagId') ;
if($tagName = stripslashes(urldecode(JRequest::getVar('tagName')))){
$tagId = getTagByName($tagName, $use_joomfish);
$this->assignRef( 'data', $model->getData($tagId));
$errors = $model->getErrors();
$this->assignRef( 'errors', $errors);
// search summary and pagination make sense only if there's something to show
$this->assignRef( 'pagination', $model->getPagination($tagId));
$this->assignRef( 'result_summary', $model->getResultSummary($tagId));
$this->assignRef( 'search_pars', $model->getSearchPars($tagId));
$this->assignRef( 'tagname', $model->getTagName());
$this->assignRef( 'ordering', $model->_ordering);
$this->assignRef( 'params', $params);
* Method to show a formatted error
* @param string the error "code"
* @returns html formatted error
function searchError($error_message){
case "no auth":
return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_NOAUTH')."</span>\n";
case "no pars":
return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_NOPAR')."</span>\n";
case "text short":
return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_TEXTSHORT')."</span>\n";
case "no match":
return "<span class=\"info\">".JText::_('CP_ERR_MATCH')."</span>\n";
case "db error":
default :
return "<span class=\"alert\">".JText::_('CP_ERROR')."</span>\n";
/** This functions renders the elements of the search summary
* @param integer $element_type 0= nothing, 1=keyword, 2=matching results, 3=tag, 4=ordering
* @param array $list list for ordering elements
* @param string $tagname name of the tag
* @param string $keyword searched keyword
* @param integer $total total number of matching results
* @return string HTML formatted string with rendering of the element
function renderSearchSummaryElement($element_type, $searchword , $tagname, $total , $list ){
case 1 :
$result = JText::_( 'Search Keyword' ) .": " . ($searchword != "" ? "
".htmlspecialchars($searchword)."" : "");
case 2:
$result = JText::sprintf( 'TOTALRESULTSFOUND', $total );
case 3:
$result = $tagname != "" ? JText::_('Tag').": <span class=\"cp_tag\">".htmlspecialchars($tagname)."</span>" : " " ;
case 4:
$result = JText::_( 'Ordering' ) . $list;
case 0 :
default :
$result = "";
return $result;
* Show Content Item Title
* @param object $row Content Item row
* @param object $params Component parameters
* @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showTitle( $row, $params ){
$show_section = $params->get('show_section');
<div class="cp_title">
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($row->href); ?>"><?php echo $row->title ?>[/url]
<?php if ( $row->section && $show_section ){ ?>
<span class="cp_section">
(<?php echo $row->section; ?>)
* Function to show the intro of the article
* @param object $row Content Item row
* @param string $searchword searched word to be highlighted
* @param object $params Component parameters
* @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showIntro( $row, $searchword, $params ){
$text_length = $params->get('text_length');
$show_section = $params->get('show_section');
<div class="cp_text">
<?php if($searchword == ""){
echo prepareContent($row->introtext.' '.$row->fulltext, $text_length) ;
/* using same helper as mod_cpsearch */
$helper_path = JPATH_ROOT.DS.'administrator'.DS.'components'.DS.'com_search'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'search.php';
$text = SearchHelper::prepareSearchContent($row->introtext.' '.$row->fulltext, $text_length, $searchword);
$text = eregi_replace( '('.$searchword.')', '<span class="highlight">\0</span>', $text );
echo $text;
* Function to render the result as full HTML intro
* @param object $ce content element object
* @param object $row Content Item row
* @param string $searchword searched word to be highlighted
* @param object $params Component parameters
* @return HTML HTML string with Article title rendered
function showFullIntro( $ce, $row, $searchword, $params ){
$allowed_tags = $params->get('allowed_tags');
$debug = $params->get('debug');
$img = "";
$img_div = "";
echo "<div class=\"cp_text\">\n";
if($params->get('image_thumbnail') == 1 && $ce->images) {
$thumb_width = $params->get('thumb_width');
$thumb_height = $params->get('thumb_height');
$aspect = $params->get('keep_aspect');
$quality = $params->get('image_quality');
$row =& stripImages($row, $ce->images_dir);
$title = htmlspecialchars($row->title);
$image = strtok($row->images,"|\r\n");
$extra = "alt=\"$title\" title=\"$title\" class=\"cp_image\"";
$img_div = "";
if($img = getThumb($image, $ce->images_dir, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $extra, $aspect, $quality, null, $debug) ){
$img_div = "<div class=\"cp_image\" style=\"width : ".$thumb_width."px; height : ".$thumb_height."px;\">";
$img_div .= "<a href=\"" . $row->href . "\" alt=\"$title\">";
$img_div .= $img;
$img_div .= "[/url]";
$img_div .= "</div>\n";
$text = strip_tags($row->introtext, $allowed_tags );
/* highlight searchword */
if($searchword != ""){
$text = eregi_replace( '('.$searchword.')', '<span class="highlight">\0</span>', $text );
echo $img_div . $text;
echo "</div>\n";
// Plugin processing
if ($plugins && ($where == 'section' || $where == 'category' || $where == 'content')) {
* Process the prepare content plugins
$plgparams =& $mainframe->getParams('com_content');
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (& $row, & $plgparams, $limitstart));
} else {
$row->text = preg_replace('/{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)\s*(.*?)}/i','', $row->text);
/** returns the tagID given the tag name
* In order for this function to work corretly , the tag name must be
* made of fieldname:fieldvalue
* @param string $tagName tag name (fieldlabel:fieldlabel)
* @param boolean $use_joomfish use Joomafish compatible queries
* @return tagID or false id no meatching tg is found
function getTagByName($tagName, $use_joomfish = 0){
global $mainframe;
$database = JFactory::getDBO();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$aid = $user->get('aid', 0);
$language = $mainframe->getCfg('language');
if(strpos($tagName,':') === false)
return false;
$theTag = split(':', $tagName);
$fieldName = $database->getEscaped($theTag[0]);
$fieldValue = $database->getEscaped($theTag[1]);
if(strlen($fieldName) && strlen($fieldValue)){
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT v.id
FROM #__custom_properties_fields AS f
INNER JOIN #__custom_properties_values as v
LEFT JOIN #__jf_content AS jfcf ON jfcf.reference_id = f.id
LEFT JOIN #__languages as jflf ON jfcf.language_id = jflf.id
LEFT JOIN #__jf_content AS jfcv ON jfcv.reference_id = v.id
LEFT JOIN #__languages as jflv ON jfcv.language_id = jflv.id
WHERE f.access <= '$aid'
AND ( (jfcf.value = '$fieldName' AND jflf.code = '$language')
OR f.label = '$fieldName' )
AND ( (jfcv.value = '$fieldValue' AND jflv.code = '$language')
OR v.label = '$fieldValue' ) ";
$query = "SELECT v.id
FROM #__custom_properties_fields AS f
INNER JOIN #__custom_properties_values AS v
ON (f.id = v.field_id )
WHERE f.access <= '$aid'
AND f.label = '$fieldName'
AND v.label = '$fieldValue' ";
if($result = $database->loadResult()){
return $result;
else {
return false;