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Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Re:Old version og oziogallery
« il: 27 Lug 2009, 11:54:19 »
Thanks for the great hepful and clarifying answer

i will like to respond with some of the extensions remarks on the component in

1. Why? The gallery has TWO different advertising links to two different sites. One is too many. It is hard enough branding my own site, and there is no need for me brand the work of others. If they want advertising they should pay for it, in my opinion.

2. Lots of really good Joomla extensions like this one end up deleted because of this advertising problem. If developers want to offer free extensions they should be really free, not simply gimmicks to send traffic to their own sites.

3. This looks like a great extension and I'd love to give it 5 stars, but I can't get it to do what I want and that is create the categories like it shows in their demo. I followed their instructions to the letter and it's still a no show. Unless you speak Italian, there's not much help in the forum either. So, if you want it to show categories, I'd think again. I wasted 2 hours trying to get it to work. For showing individual photos, it was very easy to do though.

4. My opinion: the gallery is OK, but i am really considering to change it for other due to the ugly link to the site owner and to lack of clear understandable and full documentation.

 now that i have read that the last version has two links to 2 different sites.

just i can say ...


Gallerie di immagini / Re:Old version og oziogallery
« il: 24 Lug 2009, 15:22:39 »
Yes i am upgrading

see my first post

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Old version og oziogallery
« il: 24 Lug 2009, 15:04:29 »
Will i loose the configuration if i uninstall first?

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Old version of oziogallery
« il: 24 Lug 2009, 14:49:40 »
Hi.. i was expenting to find 3 folders but in place i found 4 (admin, imagin, language, version) and about 34 other files

Must i overwrite the joomla folders with this ones?

And where must i upload all the files

acordion, carousel, etc...

Inside the component to overwrite the old ones?

thanks in advance

Gallerie di immagini / Old version og oziogallery
« il: 24 Lug 2009, 12:55:33 »
Hi... Where can i download the version 1.o.9 of the component and 1.0.1 of module, i can not find the link to them and i do not want to use the beta version yet.

It's working now :), i love it

now just i need to know how to add the description, i put a name and description on one picture but is not working yet i think, i do not know, do i have to use the gallery.php to do that.

Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="imgs/de-waag.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>pic title</title>
            <description>pic description</description>

Hi: i have installed the last version and the gallery file now looks like this, but the pics are not showing yet
Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 1</title>
<description>This is a regular text description.</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 2</title>
<description><![CDATA[This is a HTML text description. Supported tags are <b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u>, <i>italics</i>, linebreaks<br>and <font color="#ff0000" size="60">font tags</font>. Hyperlinks are not supported.]]></description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" >
<title>Image 3</title>
<description>This image has no link button becasue the 'linkurl' property was removed from the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="" showFlipButton="false">
<title>Image 4</title>
<description>This image has no flip button because the 'showFlipButton' property was added to the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/deportacion-de-judios.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 5</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/de-waag.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>titulo de la foto</title>
            <description>aqui descripcion</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/orgullo.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 7</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/orgullo1.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 8</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/orgullo2.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 9</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/Promoviendo-la-explotacion.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 10</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/restaurante.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 11</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/sexo-para-las-masas.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 12</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 13</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 14</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 15</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 16</title>

i have done my best but not been a programmer is not that easy, is strange the easy it was on localhost

i paste here the gallery.xml maybe you can point me out the right way
Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 1</title>
<description>This is a regular text description.</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 2</title>
<description><![CDATA[This is a HTML text description. Supported tags are <b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u>, <i>italics</i>, linebreaks<br>and <font color="#ff0000" size="60">font tags</font>. Hyperlinks are not supported.]]></description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" >
<title>Image 3</title>
<description>This image has no link button becasue the 'linkurl' property was removed from the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="" showFlipButton="false">
<title>Image 4</title>
<description>This image has no flip button because the 'showFlipButton' property was added to the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="" linkurl="">
<title>Image 5</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>titulo de la foto</title>
            <description>aqui descripcion</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 7</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 8</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 9</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 10</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 11</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/" linkurl="">
<title>Image 12</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 13</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 14</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 15</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 16</title>

this is the gallery.php i did not make any changes cause in localhost is working OK,
Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 1</title>
<description>This is a regular text description.</description>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 2</title>
<description><![CDATA[This is a HTML text description. Supported tags are <b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u>, <i>italics</i>, linebreaks<br>and <font color="#ff0000" size="60">font tags</font>. Hyperlinks are not supported.]]></description>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" >
<title>Image 3</title>
<description>This image has no link button becasue the 'linkurl' property was removed from the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="" showFlipButton="false">
<title>Image 4</title>
<description>This image has no flip button because the 'showFlipButton' property was added to the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 5</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 6</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 7</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 8</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 9</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 10</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 11</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 12</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 13</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 14</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 15</title>
<photo imageurl="images/oziogallery/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 16</title>

Thanks for your help, i will try, if i do not succeed i will post again.

i want to say this gallery is a very nice and fast one


Hi again

the installation in the localhost works perfect all images are shown correctly then what i did was to replace all files of the live instalation with this of the local instalation images included, but still is not working i am starting to think that the problem could be somewhere else

this is my site

Thanks for your reply, i tested in localhost and it was relative simple to upload the pics but when doing the same in live site nothing works i do not know what i am doing wrong

this is the gallery.xml file of live site
Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 1</title>
<description>This is a regular text description.</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 2</title>
<description><![CDATA[This is a HTML text description. Supported tags are <b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u>, <i>italics</i>, linebreaks<br>and <font color="#ff0000" size="60">font tags</font>. Hyperlinks are not supported.]]></description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" >
<title>Image 3</title>
<description>This image has no link button becasue the 'linkurl' property was removed from the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="" showFlipButton="false">
<title>Image 4</title>
<description>This image has no flip button because the 'showFlipButton' property was added to the photo tag</description>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 5</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 6</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 7</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 8</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 9</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 10</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 11</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 12</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 13</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 14</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 15</title>
<photo imageurl="imgs/img.jpg" linkurl="">
<title>Image 16</title>

could you please point me out the right way to do this lets say i have one  pics pic1.jpg

and let's think this is the url of my site

could you give me one example to fill it

I have succeeded uploading the images and they show in the gallery now, but still i need to add title and description for every picture

this is what i have in my xml file,

Codice: [Seleziona]
<photo imageurl="imgs/Fotografía_16.jpg" linkurl="">

where or how do i have to put pic title and description ?

i have tried changing where title is now but i do not see any changes in the title of that picture..

Hi: i do not speak Italian, but i hope to get some answer here cause i really like this gallery it is very fast and showy.

1. where do i have to unzip the tilviewer folder, in images folder or somewhere else?

2. where do i have to upload my images, cause there are two galleries one in images/oziogallery--- and one in --tilviewer imgs folder

the links to my pictures in the gallery.xml must be pointed in this way?


i want to get the same effect in the demo[url[/url]

Pagine: [1]

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