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Post - StephW

Pagine: [1]
Please look at the javascript  in ./components/com_oziogallery/lustswf.js and not declare the variable lustswf global

I have the same problem when I log on as administrator. I has to do with conflicting javascript variables that are loaded when tooltip is used. Other programs are also having problems

The work around I used was to comment out JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip');
in /components/com_content/helpers/icon.php

I don't have a solution for rokbox since I don't use it.

Gallerie di immagini / Re: non funziona con IE
« il: 13 Ago 2008, 16:49:24 »
Sorry I only know English.

The problem with IE is this:

The image rotater has problems for some templates because the oziogallery.html.php uses the

<div id="container">

which is already in the template. Change "container" to "oziocontainer" so there won't be any conflicts.

And change the corresponding write to s1.write("oziocontainer"); also

Pagine: [1]

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