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Post - Curtsong

Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 09 Ott 2008, 12:20:06 »
Thanks I'll try that.  Need to sleep now.  :)

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 09 Ott 2008, 11:59:08 »
Ok.  The page that you see is the component page.  Then I'm not able to get the Module gallery to work. 

Do you have a set of clear instructions on how to use the Ozio Module on your site?

Thank you.


Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 09 Ott 2008, 11:34:23 »
So you are getting 404 on every page that has the ozio gallery on it? 

Photos/Photo Galleries

In both browsers? Firefox & IE?

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 09 Ott 2008, 11:19:34 »
Hmmm You know what?  I have been using Firefox, and it's showing in that browser.  However, when I use IE I get the 404 message. 

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 09 Ott 2008, 01:11:46 »
Thank you.

Hmmmm.  That doesn't make sense.  It works for me on three different computers. 

Here's the url:

What do you think?

Thanks again for your time.  Sorry for my tardiness in responding to my thread.  I've been quite busy this week.  I'll have more time to dedicate to this project next week.  But, I'll check with this thread when I return home from work late at night.  Your morning.  :)

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 07 Ott 2008, 01:30:02 »
Thank you.  I have already checked out the CHMODs and the permissions are set properly.

If you look at the "Photos/Photo Galleries" page that is the oziogallery using the component assigned to the menu item.  If you look at the "Photos/Fans" page, this one is using the module.  So you can see what's happening.  I want the Tilt 3d to function like the Module does on the 2nd page. 

I've followed the instructions at your site but, still must be missing something.   :( 

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 06 Ott 2008, 10:49:23 »
Sorry for the re-posting of this post.  I don't read Italian well. 

I'm posting an update to my dilemma. I have discovered, that if I use the module without pointing the menu to the component, then the module acts properly, but, without the photos loaded into the folder.  When I use the component with the menu assigned to it, and not use the module, then I lose control of my page layout. 

Still trying to figure this component out.   

Thanks again. 

Gallerie di immagini / Re: Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 06 Ott 2008, 10:45:05 »
Thank you for your patience.  I love your component however, I have had difficulty getting the 3d gallery to work. I just got it working, but, I'm now having difficulty with the oziogallery tilt 3d taking up the whole section in my Joomla template.  Right now the gallery is loaded into the position on the page using the component and assigned menu to the oziogallery.  However, the flash object is expanding outside its layout position and I can't figure out how to change it's size.  I'm not using a module, cause I couldn't get the module to work. 

Here is a link so you can visually see the dilemma:

I haven't found simple instructions on how to use this component.  So forgive me for my ignorance.

Thank you.

Gallerie di immagini / Tilt 3d trouble
« il: 06 Ott 2008, 09:38:06 »
Thank you for your patience.  I love your component however, I have had difficulty getting the 3d gallery to work. I just got it working, but, I'm now having difficulty with the oziogallery tilt 3d taking up the whole section in my Joomla template.  Right now the gallery is loaded into the position on the page using the component and assigned menu to the oziogallery.  However, the flash object is expanding outside its layout position and I can't figure out how to change it's size.  I'm not using a module, cause I couldn't get the module to work. 

Here is a link so you can visually see the dilemma:

I haven't found simple instructions on how to use this component.  So forgive me for my ignorance.

Thank you.

Pagine: [1]

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