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Gallerie di immagini / Re: OzioGallery Carousel
« il: 30 Nov 2008, 23:31:03 »
an other question!
is it possible to render lightbox or high slide for the carousel in joomla?

for example:

thx ;)

Gallerie di immagini / Re: OzioGallery Carousel
« il: 30 Nov 2008, 22:47:05 »
Thanks a lot Alex for the very fast answere!
This was very useful,and very easy,i don't no why i not found it...
This is a god forum with helpful people ;)

Gallerie di immagini / OzioGallery Carousel
« il: 30 Nov 2008, 19:21:49 »
A wonderfull and great and easy to use gallery!

But only one question,i find anywhere in google the answer ,how can i publish carousel gallery in a contetnt item ,(is there any plugin for it,i havent found it anywhere?)
for example: would like to make the same! ;)

thank you for your answer
a hungarian joomla fan ;D

Pagine: [1]

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