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Search better in this forum and you will find the answer!
It is there, but I don't know exactly where!

Hi, I'm new this forum. I have installed contentmap module and pulgin on my site. But I could not understand how to put markers on that map. Please can you assist me on this..

And also I would like to bring the map on my front page in the body section. anyone please tell me how to do that? I know there is some position available (eg: right, left, footer....) But I want to put that at centre of my front page..

I'm not good at Spanish and I could not translate this page to engilsh.. Thats y I'm posting my post here. Please excuse.

Thanks in advance!

Brigante88 en Alexred,

Harstikke bedankt voor deze schitterende uitleg. Heerlijk ook om hier te lezen hoe de eenwording van europa in de praktijk gestalte krijgt.

Nu maar hopen dat Italianen ooit nog eens gaan inzien dat er buiten Italiaans nog andere talen bestaan, zucht... :( :-\ :'(


Joomla! 3 / how to use smaller markers
« il: 31 Ott 2009, 23:28:44 »
As you can see here 100 markers upon the Netherlands is a bit to much. So I would like to use the smaller markers.

Using smaller icons requires a smaller 'hit-area'. I customized my markers, so I could easily design a smaller marker, but if I do, the area above my marker is still 'hit area'.

What can I do?


Joomla! 3 / Re:no marker, only the shadow of a marker
« il: 20 Ott 2009, 21:42:55 »
Just found out how to use my own marker. Slowly it became cear to me the marker contentmap uses don't come from /modules/mod_contentmap/img/, but from somewhere else, because altering one of these images had no effect.

Therefore I altered gmapez-2.5_1.js, line 18:
i changed: ./modules/mod_contentmap/img/

Same in line 19 and in gmapez-2.5.js
line 18, 19 and 20

This worked for me!

Joomla! 3 / Re:plugin shows no map in article
« il: 20 Ott 2009, 21:41:17 »
Just found out how to solve this:
Create an extra module mod_contentmap.

You need one module mod_contentmap for the articles and one module mod_contentmap that shows all markers on one map.

Somehow creating a second module mod_contentmap doing so did not come up with me a few months ago. Maybe this solution was not obvious from the manual. Maybe it was due to translation problems. Maybe I needed more coffee then.  ::)

Glad I found out because I like mod_contentmap very much.

I still can not customize my marker. :'( And I really need to, because if you put 1000 google-markers on a Dutch map, it turns totally orange. We Dutch like orange, but there is a limit  ;)

Where is this piece of code generated?

<img id="mtgt_unnamed_0" style="border: 0px none ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 20px; height: 34px; -moz-user-select: none; position: absolute; left: 235px; top: 192px; z-index: -169113440; cursor: pointer;" src=""/>

Because I would like to alter this part:


You are Joomla-experts, please rewrite your manuals so even Joomla-starters can understand. Maybe you can use this:

Let's asume someone created a new category for all the articles that will have a googlemap and marker and called that category "cat-contentmap".

    * create a new menu item Layout category list and set the parameter Description on Show

I guess you mean:
    * create a new menu item Layout category list, go to Parameters (Advanced) and set 'Pagination' to 'show' or set 'Display Select' to 'Show'

    * in Position parameter of the ContentMap module write a non existing position, i.e. mappa (this is a special selectbox, in this case you you don't need to choose, but you have to write in it)

    * in Category ID parameter write the ID of the category

    * in Content > Category Manager select the category and call this position (in this example 'mappa') within a category, insert the code &lt;p&gt;Your Browser should show you our;br /&gt;You can show this content here: &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; in category's description.

You mean:
Go to content / category-manager / pick your category (for example 'cat-contentmap') and insert the next code into the description-html:

<p>Your Browser should show you our
You can show this content here:</p>

&lt;p&gt; = <p> etc...

??? This is like chinees:  ???
"call this position (in this example 'mappa') within a category"...

Another dutchman mailed me asking: do you now what they mean in their instructions. Thats why I write this comment here.
I hope you take advantage of these notes so lots of people can benefit.

I checked sh404SEF Configuration, but in "Apply to which categories", it is not applied to my "marker-categorie". So why does it still effect the markers?

"Changing manually the paths in ContentMap files you should make it work." Can you be more specific?


I allready saw the yellow markers, tomorrow I will proceed following your instructions Ste. Once customised my markers I will inform you here.


Okay, I will check.
But do i want to disable component sh404SEF in order to be able to customise my marker???

Maybe I can disable component sh404SEF partially for this article or category. Didn't try yet. Tomorrow I will.

I disabled sef in configurationfile: no effect
I disabled sef plugin: no effect
I disabled component sh404SEF: now i can have yellow markers as well. i don't know yet if these markers come from my own module-img-directorie, so I don't know yet if markers are customizable now.

Checking furter another day.
Have a nice day!

In case of SEF activated

  • Top-level item
  • Submenu item of first level with Sef activated
  • Submenu item of second level with Sef activated

(Maybe you should alter "item" into "menu-item".)

Your manual instructs:
If you have SEF activeted in your site and the module is displayed in a page reachable from a menu of first or second level, it's necessary to change this parameter.

Maybe you would better replace
"change this parameter"
"choose 'Submenu item of first level with Sef activated' or 'Submenu item of second level with Sef activated'"

I tried both options... saved and tested, still only shadows. Even tried changing it back to 'top level item'. Finally I set it to 'first level'... only shadows.  :-[

I probably did. I reïnstalled the plugin and now everything works like a charm (except for altering markers).

Next step I did was reïnstalling the module and see if markers are changeable now. I noticed there are images of markers in the module-directory, so it seems logic that I can alter one of them and create my own marker.

This time i choose Yellow. Here is the result.

This is where the markers comes from:
<img id="mtgt_unnamed_0" style="border: 0px none ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 20px; height: 34px; -moz-user-select: none; position: absolute; left: 247px; top: 242px; z-index: -166967488; cursor: pointer;" src=""/>

Don't worry about the dark shadow: they are multiple markers on 1 spot.

Hi Ste,
Thanks for assisting!



The errors you see there were probably somehow caused by myself. I had nice maps, everything went well untill... (what???). I have to find out what.

This one looks nice:

So I wonder what makes the difference. But maybe I should try to solve this under another new topic. Topic here is about the shape of the marker.

Joomla! 3 / Re:no marker, only the shadow of a marker
« il: 30 Mag 2009, 22:32:14 »
In my first message in this topic i wrote this part of the problem was allready solved. Now I started an other topic to find out how to customize my markers: I don't want the big Google-markers because 200 big markers is too much for the Netherlands.

How to create my own marker, how to customize marker?

The joomla standard marker: boring! I want one of my own.  8)

I guess I start choosing Marker colour. Tried that, but only orange works. The marker is coming from Google, not an image from my own website.


Joomla! 3 / Re:no marker, only the shadow of a marker
« il: 30 Mag 2009, 10:11:34 »
This text is very confusing to me. No offend, but I wonder if this is a proper translation.


Install the module from Extensions > Install/Uninstall
Publish the module in Module Manager.
To display the map, insert the API Key of your site in module's parameters.
If you don't have an API Key, generate a new one from Google Maps site
How to display the module

The module can be displayed within the site as any other module, selecting an existing position in Position parameter.
It could be useful to insert the module also within an article or in a category's description, as in this exemple. To reach the same result:

    * create a new menu item Layout category list and set the parameter Description on Show
    * in Position parameter of the ContentMap module write a non existing position, i.e. mappa
    * in Category ID parameter write the ID of the category
    * in Content > Category Manager select the category and call this position within a category, insert the code &lt;p&gt;Your Browser should show you our;br /&gt;You can show this content here: &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; in category's description.

How to display the articles within the map

In Parameters (Advanced) of the articles, there's a parameter called Key Reference. Insert the geo coordinates of the article separated only by a comma and without blank spaces in this field, e.g. 41.895466,12.482324 . They corrisponding to Latitude and Longitude.
To find easily the geo coordinates, use the Geo tool of
After saving the article, in the map will appear a marker.

Every article containing the coordinates within the Key Reference will appear in the map.

ATTENTION: in the module there are only markers of content assigned to a section and a category, not static contents!

Joomla! 3 / no marker, only the shadow of a marker
« il: 30 Mag 2009, 08:56:38 »
I am getting content maps to work,
but now it shows no marker, it shows only the shadow of a marker. And when I click on the shadow, the info-balloon pops up.

The answer to this question is probably allready available on this forum. But sorry... I can't read Italiano. Deutch auch gut!


Just found out this error only happens when I choose "Marker colour: Joomla and Grey and Yellow...". In fact the only colour that provides no problem is orange.

I thought choosing joomla would create me a customizable marker. Now I probably have to find out were to put a correct .png.

I will open a new thread for this question!

Joomla! 3 / Re:plugin shows no map in article
« il: 30 Mag 2009, 08:12:55 »
Meanwhile I did some testing. After disabling some plugins, it worked.

Then I enabled these plugins 1 by 1. "Content - zakAuthor" plugin causes the problem. Which is very logical to me because somehow it displayes my name like MyName"> .

So obviously there is a mistake in the code of zakauthor which causes the extra >" and didn't cause me trouble before.

So: problem solved!!!

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