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Post - Kryshya

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Gallerie di immagini / Re:Ozio Flash Gallery Skin problem
« il: 27 Set 2009, 02:46:17 »
Tnx.  I am going to take a look at it.  Sub-category is not fully essentials in my case, but it would definetly helps create a better architecture for the album.

I prefer Flash category skin than Imagin because there is less animation, but let's give it a try...

By the way, thanks for your quick answers and clear explanations. Ozio is, IMO, the best Joomla image gallery.  You guys definetly made an awesome job.  Kep up the good work!

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Ozio Flash Gallery Skin problem
« il: 26 Set 2009, 05:28:45 »
Everythign works verty well but I have a last question...

Can Ozio Gallery Flash Gallery Category Skin can handle sub category?  I've published via FTP some pictures sub-folders and tried to see if it handles it but it don't appears to do so.

(images/ozio_gallery/folders1 (with jpeg in it so it has a folder image))/subfolder1 (with all the subfolders jpeg images in it)

Can you confirm me if I am right or if I maybe just did something wrong?


Gallerie di immagini / Re:Ozio Flash Gallery Skin problem
« il: 25 Set 2009, 09:11:14 »
Ciao Kryshya,
the Flash category skin not exist in the new version Ozio Gallery 2.x

You can find it in a previous version of Ozio gallery 1.0.x:

Wow! What a quick answer and incredible support!  I would have search for a long time if you wouldn't have gave me such a helped hand!  I'm following your advice and am running now to download the previous version of Ozio Gallery to get this awesome Flash Category skin.

You definetly made my day.  Thank you very much!!!!  ;D

Gallerie di immagini / Ozio Flash Gallery Skin problem
« il: 25 Set 2009, 08:53:02 »

Sorry if I'm writing in English, I don't speak Italian at all.  My question might look stupid, but I downloaded the most recent version of Ozio Gallery because I wanted to use the Flash Gallery Category skin and I just can't find this option. ???

When I'm adding a new Ozio Gallery element to the menu, I just can't find the Flash Gallery category Skin at all...  All I am seeing is the "Flash Gallery" skin but nothing about the flash CATEGORY skin".

Can somebody tell me please where I can find the flash category skin or what do I have to do to set it up?

I'm usually really used with Joomla and website building, but this time, I'm really confused finding out this component particulr skin.

Did I miss something?  Does the Flash category skin still exist in the new version?

If not, can I find a previous version of Ozio gallery containing this particular skin somewhere and which version exactly? 


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