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Post - ingogretmeni

Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Re:Nuova Ozio Gallery 2.3
« il: 09 Feb 2010, 21:04:00 »
Hi everybody, I downloaded Oziogallery 2.3 and installation was smooth; i created 2 different folder in 'images/wildanimals' and another one like this. I write the pathway correctly but especilally in skin tiltviewer after a couple of hours the pictures vanish??? my joomla 1.5.15
although i reset the XML s, i couldnt solve the problem.
this very important for me and my students because i use this gallery for English Flash Cards :-[ Addition to this when I copy the code like {example 113}in an there is no gallery.

Pagine: [1]

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