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Post - Diego Varagic

Pagine: [1]
Gallerie di immagini / Re:Tiltviewer Skin
« il: 08 Dic 2010, 19:04:09 »

thank you

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Tiltviewer Skin
« il: 08 Dic 2010, 18:20:38 »
i have not  folder with compressed file
only i have path to oziogalery/download/
with .png pictures

Gallerie di immagini / Re:Tiltviewer Skin
« il: 08 Dic 2010, 18:10:30 »

when i try to dpwnload i have erro massage

than you
thank you
thank you


Gallerie di immagini / Tiltviewer Skin
« il: 08 Dic 2010, 17:02:02 »
Tiltviewer Skin - "Ho installato Ozio Tiltviewer Skin, ho impostato Download/link Mode ed anche Gallery Folder Path. Perņ, quando premo Flip Botton per download immagine, appare la scritta:

404 - Not Found

The page you are trying to access does not exist.

If this error persists, please contact the website webmaster.

If you are the webmaster of this site make sure that:

You have uploaded correctly your files to the public_html directory which is the web-root of your account;
You have not misspelled the URL. Bear in mind that letters are case sensitive and no blank spaces are recommended;
In case you have applied SEO - SEF URL rewrite rules, make sure you have renamed the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. If there is already a non-empty .htaccess file, check it and make sure the necessary rules are uncommented.

Qual'č il problema!?"

Pagine: [1]

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