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Post - Thierry87

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Joomla! 3 / Re:Custom data sources don't work
« il: 02 Feb 2013, 21:07:23 »

No this is not my code. I have not modified your component, but you can not call this way joomlausers.php file (or another file to another data source). This causes an error "restricted access" (defined ('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted access') ;).

Joomla! 3 / Custom data sources don't work
« il: 02 Feb 2013, 19:13:57 »
It is impossible to call a php file from default.php (restricted access). Each of my users has its coordinates in a specific field and I built a custom data source (model joomlausers.php). My query works, but your code is not appropriate to call a php file.
Sorry to write in English, but I do not think it is more understandable in French.

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