l'ho attivato la legacy pero mi da questo errore:
JInstaller::install: Errore SQL. DB function failed with error number 1062
Valore duplicato '1' per la chiave 1 SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_restaurante_client` VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 'Charles Smith', '16601 Gothard St', 'Huntington Beach', 'California', 'USA', '45678', 'name@esxamplemail.com', '
http://www.samplesample.com', 'My Restaurante', '434 1771882', '004 564737', '', 0, '00:00:00', NULL);
INSERT INTO `jos_restaurante_client` VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 'Charles Smith', '16601 Gothard St', 'Huntington Beach', 'California', 'USA', '45678', 'name@esxamplemail.com', '
http://www.samplesample.com', 'My Restaurante', '434 1771882', '004 564737', '', 0, '00:00:00', NULL);componente Installa: Errore SQL. DB function failed with error number 1062
Valore duplicato '1' per la chiave 1 SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_restaurante_client` VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 'Charles Smith', '16601 Gothard St', 'Huntington Beach', 'California', 'USA', '45678', 'name@esxamplemail.com', '
http://www.samplesample.com', 'My Restaurante', '434 1771882', '004 564737', '', 0, '00:00:00', NULL);
INSERT INTO `jos_restaurante_client` VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 'Charles Smith', '16601 Gothard St', 'Huntington Beach', 'California', 'USA', '45678', 'name@esxamplemail.com', '
http://www.samplesample.com', 'My Restaurante', '434 1771882', '004 564737', '', 0, '00:00:00', NULL);Messaggio
Installazione componente: Errore