The Blind Injection SQL are now corrected in version 1.2.1
Thanks to point me that problem !
The users of xCal 2 must be too aware that they have the same problem of security !
For iCagenda users,
update to iCagenda 1.2.1 as soon as possible
As far as we know no one got trouble due it.
@mau_developp : thanks for your last post. Google is really bad for translating Italian, so i don't rellay understand you
But i see the code
Some changes are done, some code is not be in use actually as registration, and need to be better coding before. As it's a fork of xCal, i try to de the best as i can to better coding, but it's a hard work, as it's my first component. (easier in coding for module or plugin) If you see in 1.2.1 important things to be changed, thanks to tell if you can
Thank You Man ! Lyr!C
edit: Giusebos speak french, and we are in contact, so... he can give me your ticket in french