1) Vorrei sapere come fare per disattivare l'invio delle e-mail dove mi viene comunicato che e' pronto l'aggiornamento a Joomla 3.6.0
2) Ho provato a scaricare l'ultima estensione di "Akeeba Backup Core 5.1.2" pero' i dice il seguente errore:[/size]"You are using an obsolete PHP version[/size]Your site is running on PHP 5.4.25 which has stopped receiving security updates since Thursday, 03 September 2015. Using this on a live site is dangerous: unpatched security issues can get your site hacked. Moreover, we can only guarantee support for obsolete versions of PHP after nine months since their end-of-life date. Therefore, support for your version of PHP may be dropped any time after Friday, 03 June 2016. We strongly advise you to ask your host to upgrade your site to PHP 5.6 or later."
Qualcuno mi puo' aiutare?