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We urge all users to upgrade to SMF 1.1.4 as soon as possible to take advantage of these fixes. A summary of the fixes is as follows: * Inline modification of a board which had moderators was not working correctly. * Stop CDATA blocks breaking preview/quick modify. * Allow users to log out in maintenance mode. * Check GET and POST instead of REQUEST for numeric keys. * Fixed editing grace period inconsistancies within the post script. * Some input values didn't get escaped properly - reported by Michael Brooks. * Some attachment filenames didn't get escaped properly. * Function for fixing list and table tags wasn't working as expected.
E, scusate, per questa versione di SMF, abbinata a joomla 1.0.13 e CB 1.1, vanno bene i bridge "funzionanti" con le versioni precedenti o tocca usarne uno nuovo?
la versione 1.1.3 dove si trava?
io ho aggiornato un paio di forum attraverso il package e tutto funziona a dovere.
Citazione da: madmat - 28 Set 2007, 14:57:05io ho aggiornato un paio di forum attraverso il package e tutto funziona a dovere. anche l'integrazione con cb?
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