Eccomi di nuovo qua .... ora ho un errore se apro un articolo che voglio o scrivere o modificare :|
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onDisplay() in
/home/nomeserver/public_html/users/nomesito/libraries/joomla/html/editor.php on line 262
Ora che faccio ?
* @version $Id: editor.php 8515 2007-08-22 21:28:39Z jinx $
* @package Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage HTML
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();
* JEditor class to handle WYSIWYG editors
* @author Louis Landry <>
* @author Johan Janssens <>
* @package Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage HTML
* @since 1.5
class JEditor extends JObservable
* Editor Plugin object
* @var object
var $_editor = null;
* Editor Plugin name
* @var string
var $_name = null;
* constructor
* @access protected
* @param string The editor name
function __construct($editor = 'none')
$this->_name = $editor;
* Returns a reference to a global Editor object, only creating it
* if it doesn't already exist.
* This method must be invoked as:
* <pre> $editor = &JEditor::getInstance([$editor);</pre>
* @access public
* @param string $editor The editor to use.
* @return JEditor The Editor object.
function &getInstance($editor = 'none')
static $instances;
if (!isset ($instances)) {
$instances = array ();
$signature = serialize($editor);
if (empty ($instances[$signature])) {
$instances[$signature] = new JEditor($editor);
return $instances[$signature];
* Initialize the editor
function initialise()
//check if editor is already loaded
if(is_null(($this->_editor))) {
$args['event'] = 'onInit';
$return = '';
$results[] = $this->_editor->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (trim($result)) {
//$return .= $result;
$return = $result;
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
* Present a text area
* @param string The control name
* @param string The contents of the text area
* @param string The width of the text area (px or %)
* @param string The height of the text area (px or %)
* @param int The number of columns for the textarea
* @param int The number of rows for the textarea
* @param boolean True and the editor buttons will be displayed
function display($name, $html, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true)
//check if editor is already loaded
if(is_null(($this->_editor))) {
// Backwards compatibility. Width and height should be passed without a semicolon from now on.
// If editor plugins need a unit like "px" for CSS styling, they need to take care of that
$width = str_replace( ';', '', $width );
$height = str_replace( ';', '', $height );
// Initialize variables
$return = null;
$args['name'] = $name;
$args['content'] = $html;
$args['width'] = $width;
$args['height'] = $height;
$args['col'] = $col;
$args['row'] = $row;
$args['buttons'] = $buttons;
$args['event'] = 'onDisplay';
$results[] = $this->_editor->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result)
if (trim($result)) {
$return .= $result;
return $return;
* Save the editor content
* @param string The name of the editor control
function save( $editor )
//check if editor is already loaded
if(is_null(($this->_editor))) {
$args[] = $editor;
$args['event'] = 'onSave';
$return = '';
$results[] = $this->_editor->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (trim($result)) {
$return .= $result;
return $return;
* Get the editor contents
* @param string The name of the editor control
function getContent( $editor )
$args['name'] = $editor;
$args['event'] = 'onGetContent';
$return = '';
$results[] = $this->_editor->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (trim($result)) {
$return .= $result;
return $return;
* Set the editor contents
* @param string The name of the editor control
* @param string The contents of the text area
function setContent( $editor, $html )
$args['name'] = $editor;
$args['html'] = $html;
$args['event'] = 'onSetContent';
$return = '';
$results[] = $this->_editor->update($args);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (trim($result)) {
$return .= $result;
return $return;
* Get the editor buttons
* @param mixed $buttons Can be boolean or array, if boolean defines if the buttons are displayed, if array defines a list of buttons not to show.
* @access public
* @since 1.5
function getButtons($editor, $buttons = true)
$result = array();
if(is_bool($buttons) && !$buttons) {
return $result;
// Get plugins
$plugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors-xtd');
foreach($plugins as $plugin)
if(is_array($buttons) && in_array($plugin->name, $buttons)) {
$isLoaded = JPluginHelper::importPlugin('editors-xtd', $plugin->name, false);
$className = 'plgButton'.$plugin->name;
if(class_exists($className)) {
$plugin = new $className($this, (array)$plugin);
// Try to authenticate
$result[] = $plugin->onDisplay($editor);
return $result;
* Load the editor
* @access private
* @since 1.5
function _loadEditor()
//check if editor is already loaded
if(!is_null(($this->_editor))) {
// Build the path to the needed editor plugin
$name = JFilterInput::clean($this->_name, 'cmd');
$path = JPATH_SITE.DS.'plugins'.DS.'editors'.DS.$name.'.php';
if ( ! JFile::exists($path) )
$message = JText::_('Cannot load the editor');
JError::raiseWarning( 500, $message );
return false;
// Require plugin file
require_once $path;
// Get the plugin
$plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', $this->_name);
// Build editor plugin classname
$name = 'plgEditor'.$this->_name;
if($this->_editor = new $name ($this, (array)$plugin))
// load plugin parameters