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Ozio with Cool Iris -> XML manual
« il: 24 Ott 2010, 09:06:05 »
Hi there,
I found OzioGallery 2.6 very impressive, and I use it on my site with Cooliris Skin (
By the way, automatic settings are not good for me, because I wanted to manage thumbnails.
In manual mode, it works bu editing XML file, but I found out that some settings don't work in manual.

Investigating code, I modified default.php in components\com_oziogallery2\views\10cooliris\tmpl\:
Codice: [Seleziona]
<?php if     ( $this->xml_mode == ) : ?>
feed: "<?php echo JURI::root() ?>components/com_oziogallery2/skin/cooliris/xml/cooliris_<?php echo $this->nomexml ?>.ozio?<?php echo $randval?>&numRows=<?php echo $this->rows ?>&backgroundColor=0x<?php echo $this->bkgndretro ?>&backgroundImage=<?php echo $this->immaginesfondo ?>&showEmbed=false&glowColor=0x<?php echo $this->framecolor ?>&showDescription=<?php echo $this->download ?>&cellWidth=<?php echo $this->larghezzaant ?>&cellHeight=<?php echo $this->altezzaant ?>&cellSpacingX=<?php echo $this->distanzaoriz ?>&cellSpacingY=<?php echo $this->distanzavert ?>"};
<?php else: ?>
/* Cas de chargement manuel  traite au moins l'image de fond*/
feed: "<?php echo JURI::root() ?><?php echo $this->manualxmlname ?>&numRows=<?php echo $this->rows ?>&backgroundColor=0x<?php echo $this->bkgndretro ?>&backgroundImage=<?php echo $this->immaginesfondo ?>"};

This works, might be useful to make some update?


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