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<?php/** module to display newsfeeds* version $Id: newsfeeds.php 393 2005-10-08 13:37:52Z akede $* @package Joomla italian by vamba* @subpackage Newsfeeds* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php* modified by brian & rob* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or* other free or open source software licenses.* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.*/// no direct accessdefined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );// load the html drawing classrequire_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'front_html' ) );$feedid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST ,'feedid', 0 ) );$catid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST ,'catid', 0 ) );switch( $task ) { case 'view': showFeed( $option, $feedid ); break; default: listFeeds( $option, $catid ); break;}function listFeeds( $option, $catid ) { global $mainframe, $database, $my; global $mosConfig_live_site; global $Itemid; /* Query to retrieve all categories that belong under the contacts section and that are published. */ $query = "SELECT cc.*, a.catid, COUNT( AS numlinks" . "\n FROM #__categories AS cc" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__newsfeeds AS a ON a.catid =" . "\n WHERE a.published = 1" . "\n AND cc.section = 'com_newsfeeds'" . "\n AND cc.published = 1" . "\n AND cc.access <= $my->gid" . "\n GROUP BY" . "\n ORDER BY cc.ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $categories = $database->loadObjectList(); $rows = array(); $currentcat = NULL; if ( $catid ) { // url links info for category $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM #__newsfeeds" . "\n WHERE catid = $catid" . "\n AND published = 1" . "\n ORDER BY ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); // current category info $query = "SELECT name, description, image, image_position" . "\n FROM #__categories" . "\n WHERE id = $catid" . "\n AND published = 1" . "\n AND access <= $my->gid" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $database->loadObject( $currentcat ); } // Parameters $menu = new mosMenu( $database ); $menu->load( $Itemid ); $params = new mosParameters( $menu->params ); $params->def( 'page_title', 1 ); $params->def( 'header', $menu->name ); $params->def( 'pageclass_sfx', '' ); $params->def( 'headings', 1 ); $params->def( 'back_button', $mainframe->getCfg( 'back_button' ) ); $params->def( 'description_text', '' ); $params->def( 'image', -1 ); $params->def( 'image_align', 'right' ); $params->def( 'other_cat_section', 1 ); // Category List Display control $params->def( 'other_cat', 1 ); $params->def( 'cat_description', 1 ); $params->def( 'cat_items', 1 ); // Table Display control $params->def( 'headings', 1 ); $params->def( 'name', 1 ); $params->def( 'articles', '1' ); $params->def( 'link', '1' ); if ( $catid ) { $params->set( 'type', 'category' ); } else { $params->set( 'type', 'section' ); } // page description $currentcat->descrip = ''; if( ( @$currentcat->description ) != '' ) { $currentcat->descrip = $currentcat->description; } else if ( !$catid ) { // show description if ( $params->get( 'description' ) ) { $currentcat->descrip = $params->get( 'description_text' ); } } // page image $currentcat->img = ''; $path = $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/stories/'; if ( ( @$currentcat->image ) != '' ) { $currentcat->img = $path . $currentcat->image; $currentcat->align = $currentcat->image_position; } else if ( !$catid ) { if ( $params->get( 'image' ) != -1 ) { $currentcat->img = $path . $params->get( 'image' ); $currentcat->align = $params->get( 'image_align' ); } } // page header $currentcat->header = ''; if ( @$currentcat->name != '' ) { $currentcat->header = $currentcat->name; } else { $currentcat->header = $params->get( 'header' ); } // used to show table rows in alternating colours $tabclass = array( 'sectiontableentry1', 'sectiontableentry2' ); $mainframe->SetPageTitle( $menu->name ); HTML_newsfeed::displaylist( $categories, $rows, $catid, $currentcat, $params, $tabclass );}function showFeed( $option, $feedid ) { global $database, $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $Itemid; // full RSS parser used to access image information require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/domit/xml_domit_rss.php'); $cacheDir = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/cache/'; $LitePath = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/Cache/Lite.php'; // Adds parameter handling $menu = new mosMenu( $database ); $menu->load( $Itemid ); $params = new mosParameters( $menu->params ); $params->def( 'page_title', 1 ); $params->def( 'header', $menu->name ); $params->def( 'pageclass_sfx', '' ); $params->def( 'back_button', $mainframe->getCfg( 'back_button' ) ); // Feed Display control $params->def( 'feed_image', 1 ); $params->def( 'feed_descr', 1 ); $params->def( 'item_descr', 1 ); $params->def( 'word_count', 0 ); if ( !$params->get( 'page_title' ) ) { $params->set( 'header', '' ); } $and = ''; if ( $feedid ) { $and = "\n AND id = $feedid"; } $query = "SELECT name, link, numarticles, cache_time" . "\n FROM #__newsfeeds" . "\n WHERE published = 1" . "\n AND checked_out = 0" . $and . "\n ORDER BY ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $newsfeeds = $database->loadObjectList(); $mainframe->SetPageTitle($menu->name); //da qui la parte che ho modificato ioforeach( $newsfeeds as $newsfeed){echo(" <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&html=a\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script><noscript><a href=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&date=y&html=y\">View RSS feed</a></noscript>");}//fine della parte che ho modificato //questa riga è stata commentata, per tornare come all'inizio decommentare questa riga e togliere la parte sopra che ho inserito io //HTML_newsfeed::showNewsfeeds( $newsfeeds, $LitePath, $cacheDir, $params );}?>
$and = ''; if ( $feedid ) { $and = "\n AND id = $feedid"; } //COPIATE E INCOLLATE TUTTO FINO ALLA FINE//inizio modifica $query = "SELECT name, link, numarticles, cache_time" . "\n FROM #__newsfeeds" . "\n WHERE published = 1" . "\n AND checked_out = 0" . $and . "\n ORDER BY ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $newsfeeds = $database->loadObjectList(); $mainframe->SetPageTitle($menu->name);foreach($newsfeeds as $newsfeed){echo(" <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&html=a\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script><noscript><a href=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&date=y&html=y\">View RSS feed</a></noscript>");}//Fine Modifica // HTML_newsfeed::showNewsfeeds( $newsfeeds, $LitePath, $cacheDir, $params );}?>
ho corretto le modifiche per la 1.0.12 funziona .... woilà........... vi posto le modifiche - utilizza il servizio di il file da modificare è newsfeeds.php portatevi alla fine del file e modificare così (ho commentato le modifiche)Codice: [Seleziona]$and = ''; if ( $feedid ) { $and = "\n AND id = $feedid"; } //COPIATE E INCOLLATE TUTTO FINO ALLA FINE//inizio modifica $query = "SELECT name, link, numarticles, cache_time" . "\n FROM #__newsfeeds" . "\n WHERE published = 1" . "\n AND checked_out = 0" . $and . "\n ORDER BY ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $newsfeeds = $database->loadObjectList(); $mainframe->SetPageTitle($menu->name);foreach($newsfeeds as $newsfeed){echo(" <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&html=a\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script><noscript><a href=\"".urlencode($newsfeed->link)."&chan=y&num=".$newsfeed->numarticles."&desc=1&date=y&html=y\">View RSS feed</a></noscript>");}//Fine Modifica // HTML_newsfeed::showNewsfeeds( $newsfeeds, $LitePath, $cacheDir, $params );}?>cia°
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