Sto passaggio da windows server ad un qualunque altro linux server non va proprio.
Come potete vedere, con akeeba:
-sia usando i file jpa e kickstart
-sia estraendo il file .zip e scompattandolo poi e caricandolo via ftp
-sia usando il metodo ftp diretto (di cui allego il log sotto)
NON VA! Non ci sta verso. C'è sempre qualche errore. Con kickstart per esempio appena lo lancio e inizio l'installazione mi dice il file o la cartella zyz non è scrivibile. Come si può fare?
[110209 09:43:58] *** Batching successive steps (nesting level 1)
[110209 09:43:58] ====== Starting Step number 1 ======
[110209 09:43:58] AECoreDomainInit :: New instance
[110209 09:43:58] ----- Finished operation 1 ------
[110209 09:43:58] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[110209 09:43:58] Akeeba Backup 3.2 (2011-01-31)
[110209 09:43:58] Got backup?
[110209 09:43:58] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[110209 09:43:58] --- System Information ---
[110209 09:43:58] PHP Version :5.2.5
[110209 09:43:58] OS Version :Windows NT
[110209 09:43:58] DB Version :5.0.37-community-nt
[110209 09:43:58] Web Server :Microsoft-IIS/6.0
[110209 09:43:58] PHP Interface :isapi
[110209 09:43:58] Joomla! version :Joomla! 1.5.20 Stable [ senu takaa ] 18-July-2010 18:00 GMT
[110209 09:43:58] Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.94 Safari/534.13
[110209 09:43:58] Safe mode :
[110209 09:43:58] Display errors :
[110209 09:43:58] Error reporting :E_ALL
[110209 09:43:58] Error display :off
[110209 09:43:58] Disabled functions :
[110209 09:43:58] open_basedir restr.:
[110209 09:43:58] Max. exec. time :120
[110209 09:43:58] Memory limit :128M
[110209 09:43:58] Current mem. usage :10411520
[110209 09:43:58] GZIP Compression : available (good)
[110209 09:43:58] JPATH_BASE :<root>\administrator
[110209 09:43:58] JPATH_SITE :<root>
[110209 09:43:58] JPATH_ROOT :<root>
[110209 09:43:58] JPATH_CACHE :<root>\administrator\cache
[110209 09:43:58] Computed root :<root>
[110209 09:43:58] Output directory :<root>\backup
[110209 09:43:58] Temporary directory:<root>\tmp
[110209 09:43:58] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[110209 09:43:58] Loaded profile #1
[110209 09:43:58] Archive template name: site-[HOST]-[DATE]-[TIME]
[110209 09:43:58] Expanded template name:
[110209 09:43:58] Backup type is now set to 'full'
[110209 09:43:58] Expanded archive file name: <root>/backup/
[110209 09:43:58] Initializing archiver engine
[110209 09:43:58] AEArchiverDirectftp :: new instance
[110209 09:43:58] Connecting to remote FTP
[110209 09:43:58] AEArchiverDirectftp :: FTP connection status: success
[110209 09:43:58] ----- Finished operation 2 ------
[110209 09:43:58] ----- Finished operation 3 ------
[110209 09:43:58] Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInit
[110209 09:43:58] Kettenrad :: Domain 'init' has finished.
[110209 09:43:58] ====== Finished Step number 1 ======
[110209 09:43:58] *** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
[110209 09:43:58] Sleeping for 1662.3179912567 msec, using usleep()
[110209 09:44:00] Saving Kettenrad instance backend
[110209 09:44:00]
[110209 09:44:01] -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
[110209 09:44:01] ====== Starting Step number 1 ======
[110209 09:44:01] AECoreDomainInstaller :: New instance
[110209 09:44:01] Connecting to remote FTP
[110209 09:45:31] Uploading installation/README.html has failed.
[110209 09:45:31] -- Removing temporary file ak47.tmp
[110209 09:45:31] -- Windows hack: chowning ak47.tmp
[110209 09:45:31] ----- Finished operation 1 ------
[110209 09:45:31] Successful Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInstaller
[110209 09:45:31] ====== Finished Step number 1 ======
[110209 09:45:31] *** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
[110209 09:45:31] No need to sleep; execution time: 90260.903120041 msec; min. exec. time: 2000 msec
[110209 09:45:31] Saving Kettenrad instance backend
[110209 09:45:33] -- Loaded stored Akeeba Factory (backend)
[110209 09:45:33] ====== Starting Step number 2 ======
[110209 09:45:33] Initializing with JPA package
[110209 09:45:33] Adding installation/css/img/btn_next.png; Next offset:1897
[110209 09:45:33] Connecting to remote FTP
[110209 09:47:03] Uploading installation/css/img/btn_next.png has failed.
[110209 09:47:03] -- Removing temporary file ak48.tmp
[110209 09:47:03] -- Windows hack: chowning ak48.tmp
[110209 09:47:03] ----- Finished operation 1 ------
[110209 09:47:03] Failed Smart algorithm on AECoreDomainInstaller
[110209 09:47:03] Kettenrad :: More work required in domain 'installer'
[110209 09:47:03] ====== Finished Step number 2 ======
[110209 09:47:03] *** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.
[110209 09:47:03] No need to sleep; execution time: 90382.568120956 msec; min. exec. time: 2000 msec
[110209 09:47:03] Saving Kettenrad instance backend